The Dealmaker

Quentin Lont

Quentin Lont

Meet Quentin. A dealmaker, connector, social person, and consultant in Deals at PwC Netherlands.

This 28-year-old solver writes reports on the financial health of a company just before it gets sold. Or he researches everything about the financial performance of a company for an interested buyer. "As a team, we solve things for the client. That client-oriented approach gives me a sense of community."

Quentin's community of solvers experience

‘Career-wise, early on it was clear that I wanted to do something related to finance. In high school, I found math and economic theories much more fascinating than history lessons. Economics was truly my favourite subject. So, it was predictable that I would study economics and finance. After my studies, I continued along that path and started working for a company where private investors could invest in startups. I just wanted to become expert in the world of company investments and transactions, so I also worked for companies that dealt with investment funds for a while. Therefore, my traineeship in Deals, and later my position within the Due Diligence team at PwC, felt like a very logical step in my career. Within the team, I see myself as a connector who knows that he still has a lot to learn. I quickly make connections with others, therefore I know a lot of colleagues whom I can always turn to, to expand my knowledge. Every day, I learn from my colleagues. That is of great value to me, otherwise, I wouldn't be here and wouldn't be part of the community of solvers. I think we create great things together. For example, I worked in a Deals Accelerator programme. In that programme, we spent pro bono hours on a sustainable project for the winning startup."

Quentin's work mode

‘From the moment a client sells a company to the guidance of the sales agreement, we as the Deals team, are involved. Our client-oriented approach gives me a sense of community. Because, as a team we solve things for the client. In this, I am a big advocate for the use of data in our work. Because data doesn’t lie. It provides a lot of insights. Data that is useful for our team and especially for our client. In addition, I think ChatPwC is a valuable addition to our work. With the help of ChatPwC you can easily improve formulas for complex analyses and gain even more insights from the results. Do I take my work home with me? I don't necessarily take it home, but I can keep thinking about it for a while. In a stressful period, it takes a bit longer for me to switch off work mode, but I always manage. So, I never have a bad night's sleep because of a deal. But I don't sleep much anyway. That's because in high school I often started studying for a test at the last moment, which usually turned into an all-nighter. Then I would get up early to continue studying. In my current job my unusual sleep schedule comes in handy. In Deals, working late at the office happens every now and then. For example, I work until half past eleven in the evening and then I'm already in the gym the next day before going to the office. PwC also pays a lot of attention to you as a person, not only as an employee. Every Tuesday, early in the evening, I go to my kickboxing class. That’s not an issue. Partners and directors also think it's important that there is plenty of time for fun, such as closing dinners to celebrate a successful project together with colleagues.’

'I am a big advocate for the use of data in our work. Because data doesn't lie. It offers a lot of insights.'

Quentin Lont - consultant Deals at PwC