Tax Reporting & Strategy

Within Tax Reporting & Strategy, you will advise (inter)national clients on how to manage their fiscal and financial situation. You will examine how these clients can adjust to changing legislation and safeguard tax and other strategies. You will also advise clients on how to optimally design their financial, tax and administrative processes. You will provide support with horizontal monitoring, draw up tax returns (both personal income tax and corporate income tax) or compile the financial statements. Depending on your interests, you can also focus on tax accounting, audit of tax, tax strategy or tax technology.

You can join one of four different teams within the Tax Reporting & Strategy practice. Which of these teams will be best suited to you will be discussed during your job interview(s). Naturally, if you have any preferences for a particular team, you can mention this in your cover letter. You can also choose to learn the broad strokes of the practice before selecting one or more specialist areas in consultation with your supervisor.

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Working at Tax Reporting & Strategy

Tax Reporting & Strategy teams

Tax Reporting & Compliance

Within the Tax Reporting & Compliance team, you can specialise in any of the following disciplines: statutory compliance, tax compliance, global compliance services, other compliance services and payroll services.

  • Statutory Compliance (preparing financial statements)
    Consultants and senior consultants within the Accounting & Compliance team translate legislation into hard figures. Your duties may relate to finance, tax or administration. One of your most important responsibilities will be to compile clients' financial statements, although you will also take care of their bookkeeping and interim reports. For these purposes, you will make use of an automated reporting system that is compatible with the latest legislative developments.
  • Tax Compliance
    Consultants and senior consultants within the Tax & Compliance team focus on all kinds of figures, especially those concerning the taxman. You will draw up corporate income tax returns for national and international organisations and/or income tax returns for private entrepreneurs. You will also calculate tax figures for the financial statements or work on horizontal monitoring. In the long term, you will often focus on one of the other specialisations within the practice of TR&S.
  • Other Compliance Services
    Consultants and senior consultants will conduct a considerably varied range of projects. You will be involved in all of the compliance activities relating to financial, tax or administrative figures. You will keep clients' administration ticking over, help to compile or audit financial statements, provide assistance with internal audits, monitor and implement risk and compliance frameworks and optimise processes. You will also perform tax calculations for the purposes of the financial statements.
  • Global Compliance
    Consultants and senior consultants in this team ensure that clients are compliant with legislation in every country where they operate.
  • Payroll Services
    Consultants and senior consultants in Payroll Services seamlessly combine advice and practical implementation in the field of payroll administration. You will conduct and monitor payroll administration, paying attention to compliance with all relevant legislation. You will identify risks and opportunities within the field of payroll administration, analyse key indicators and report on these factors. You will also identify and advise on process improvements.

Compliance Engineering

Binnen het team van Compliance Engineering geven wij (inter)nationale klanten advies over hun fiscale en financiële strategie. We helpen hen om te anticiperen op de veranderende wet- en regelgeving en bepalen hoe zij (fiscale) strategieën kunnen realiseren. Verder adviseren wij hoe ze hun financiële, fiscale en administratieve processen kunnen optimaliseren. Met behulp van de laatste data-extractie, transformatie en visualisatie softwareoplossingen helpen wij klanten optimaal gebruik te maken van hun financiële en tax data om zo snel mogelijk te voldoen aan de internationale rapportagevereisten. We zijn betrokken bij het opstellen van de belastingaangiften en samenstellen van de jaarrekening. Dit gebeurt in multidisciplinaire teams met verschillende expertises. Er wordt intensief samenwerkt door accountants, fiscalisten, bedrijfskundigen, en data-  en technologie specialisten.

Tax Strategy & Operations

Within the Tax Strategy & Operations team, you will assist clients with tax management. This will include developing tax strategies, monitoring risks and challenges within change processes and complying with transparency regulations. You will advise them regarding general tax issues, the tax-control framework and horizontal monitoring. You will give our clients insight into how taxes should be managed within the organisation and how their tax strategy can be made compatible with their commercial objectives. In addition, all of these duties will be conducted in a manner that enables data-oriented compliance and monitoring in real time.

Tax Accounting Services

Within the Tax Accounting Services team, you can focus on either tax accounting or on audit of tax. You will operate at the interface between tax affairs and accounting and include taxes on profits in the financial statements of Dutch and international multinationals. You will advise your clients on these matters or will be responsible for monitoring the tax-related positions in the financial statements as part of a team of accountants.

Quantitative Solutions

Quantitative Solutions is een jong team binnen PwC dat zich met toegepaste technologie richt op de digitale transformatie bij klanten. Het is een innovatief team waar verschillende tools en analyses worden ontwikkeld. Je werkt intensief aan geavanceerde analyses die op grote datasets uitgevoerd worden.

Werkzaamheden zijn:

  • Het adviseren van klanten voor het toepassen van “Small Automation & Quantitative Solutions”
  • Bouwen van slimme modellen om klanten te helpen beslissingen te maken op basis van hun data
  • Het automatiseren van processen met efficiënte data flows
  • Het bouwen van digitale robots om klanten te helpen handmatig werk te automatiseren
  • Verrijken en visualiseren van data om klanten nieuwe inzichten te geven in hun data

Je bent vanaf de eerste dag onderdeel van het team en kan vervolgens specialiseren in bijvoorbeeld RPA, ETL, Visualisaties of Machine Learning & AI.

Quantitative Solutions

Contact us

Julia van Gent

Julia van Gent

Talent Acquisition Specialist Campus Tax Reporting & Strategy & Indirect Tax, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 244 86 36