Meet Beau.
Strategic thinker, project manager, private chef, and solver at PwC Netherlands.
‘As a Digital Strategy Manager, I work closely with our Chief Digital Officer, Marc Diepstraten, and his team. We create digital strategies for PwC Netherlands and break them down into sub-strategies.
My role is often that of a project manager: ensuring that we keep the team, the programme and our internal stakeholders aligned. I think of myself as a connecting factor. That’s something I really enjoy about my work: connecting people, making links, and getting people involved, whether it’s in meetings or through presentations and workshops —seeing people take co-ownership of the value we create together.
GenAI has significantly changed my role in the last year and a half—and made it more enjoyable. For example, I no longer need to take meeting notes myself. This allows me to focus much more on the content and process during meetings. Afterwards, I quick-scan the AI-generated notes and can use the leftover time to set new steps, tackle another project, or prepare for another activity. I can devote more time and attention to things that really matter, adding more value. These relatively small shifts have enabled to do my work more effectively, and my work-life balance has improved too.
Outside of work, I spend a lot of time with family and friends—often around food. Although it feels very different from work, my approach to planning a dinner is quite similar to how I do my job: I love to prepare well in advance, arranging everything down to the last detail, cooking extensively, and hosting. Even here, AI plays a role now, for example when I’m designing menu cards or looking for inspiration. I do set limits on my screen time. For social media, I use a timer. And at the table, during conversations, or when we're out together, the phone gets put away. I’m strict about that.’