CSRD webcast series | June 2024

CSRD webcast serie | voorjaar 2024
  • Event

Explaining the CSRD from a practical perspective

The European CSRD directive marks a new era for organizations. It makes reporting on sustainability as important as financial reporting. Our specialists, from human rights experts to accountants and tech experts, help organizations comply with the CSRD.

In this CSRD webcasts series, our experts will take you through the insights we have gained from practice so far and show how new technology helps organizations comply with the CSRD. But we also look ahead. Because reporting alone does not create a sustainable organization.

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CSRD Webcast series

Below you will find the info on the three webcasts. Check out which sessions is interesting for your organization and role. Of course, we want to share relevant knowledge and examples that you can directly apply in practice. This webcast series is specifically aimed at those who are responsible and/or involved in the implementation of the CSRD within organizations. Good to know, you can sign up for multiple sessions.

The CSRD webcasts will be in English.

#1 CSRD | Lessons learned

Monday 17 June
10.30 - 11.30 AM

What challenges can organizations face when implementing the CSRD?

During this webcast session, our experts from various disciplines will explain what we learned in the past two years when applying the CSRD to our clients, using practical examples.

Experts: Noor Sanders, Willem-Jan Dubois, Femke Helgers en Ellen McCready

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#2 CSRD | Tech empowered

Thursday 20 June
10.30 - 11.30 AM

How does new technology, such as AI, help organizations comply with the CSRD?

In this webcast, our experts, from accountants to AI specialists, will demonstrate through practical examples what is technologically possible and the benefits of meeting the CSRD requirements.

Experts: Karin Meijer, Wendy van Tol, Tommy Mars en Lex Huis in het Veld

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#3 CSRD | Global Survey Findings

Thursday 27 June
15.00 - 16.00

Interested to know where other organizations stand in implementing the CSRD?

In this webcast, our experts will share new insights into the progress organizations are making in implementing the CSRD, along with the associated opportunities and challenges, based on the results of our Global CSRD Survey*.

* The Global CSRD Survey was conducted by PwC among organizations in more than 30 countries, April/May 2024.

Experts: Alexander Spek, Joukje Janssen, Karin Meijer en Willem-Jan Dubois


Contact us

Alexander Spek

Alexander Spek

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 00 02

Karin Meijer

Karin Meijer

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 030 39 90

Willem-Jan Dubois

Willem-Jan Dubois

Partner, PwC Netherlands

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