Investment management

Mainstream asset managers have seen funds under management rebound since the depths of the global financial crisis, but still face major challenges to their operating and business models driven by the responses of the regulators and tax authorities to the crisis. In addition, managers are increasingly challenged by their investors' appetite for low-margin products and transparency.

As the largest professional services firm serving the asset management industry globally, we have the expertise to help you prepare successfully for these changes. Our specialists in assurance, tax and advisory can help you overcome your issues around e.g. AIFMD, FATCA and US GAAP.


PwC can assist you in preparing for the AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive). Our people have extensive experience in conducting gap analyzes and can clearly identify the difference between your current organization and the requirements under the AIFMD.


PwC can advise you about the consequences of changes in accounting standards and assist with the implementation. Due to our international network we have extensive knowledge of US GAAP, but we are also able to translate these into local regulations and industry-specific conditions.


PwC has an international network of FATCA specialists. In the Netherlands and in foreign markets, we have a multidisciplinary team of specialists in the field of tax legislation and also regarding customer identification, IT, risk management, local law and accountancy. We’ve helped several financial institutions, including banks, insurers, market makers, trusts and pension funds to make a start with the FATCA implementation.

Contact us

Joep Bertrams

Joep Bertrams

Asset & Wealth Management Leader, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 151 86 81

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