Pharma Lifesciences & Medtech

From innovation to regulation and digitisation

Important challenges in pharma lifesciences & medtech

Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies face major challenges in an increasingly integrated and patient-oriented environment. The global demand for innovative and affordable medicines and treatments continues to grow, but at the same time legislators, health insurers, healthcare providers and patients strive for the most favorable price/quality ratio, proven effectiveness of products and more transparency.

What can you expect from us?

Together with our clients, ranging from small life sciences entrepreneurs, start-ups to large multinationals, we can help you make future-proof strategic choices around R&D or supply chain, for example. In doing so, we can help you with the transformation processes necessary to actually implement these choices within the boundaries of strict regulations.

Our team

We offer a multidisciplinary Pharma Lifesciences & Medtech team. In close collaboration with international teams, we advise companies in the sector and connect them in the industry and related sectors such as the healthcare sector and insurance sector.


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Contact us

Petra Van Zuijlen

Petra Van Zuijlen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 6 14840018

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