
E-mobility, digitisation, and sustainability: our experts help to shape the future.

The future of automotive

The automotive industry is one of the fastest changing industries at present. The transition to electric driving, autonomy, connectivity, and innovative mobility services create the need for new business models and supply chains that move along with this new world. This requires constant adaptability of your business operations. PwC assists in evaluating market developments, identifying new business areas, and implementing digital transformation.

Insight into the future of e-Mobility

The fifth edition of the eReadiness survey provides insights into the short-term development of the e-mobility sector. The study examines consumer readiness for electric vehicles (EVs) and categorizes them into EV owners, potential buyers, and skeptics.

eReadiness Study 2024

The transition to electric mobility is in full swing. What are the key factors driving demand and what obstacles do consumers face? Which countries are best prepared?

Our global survey, eReadiness, interviewed over 17,000 respondents in 27 countries to investigate their mobility needs and readiness to purchase electric vehicles. The research shows that consumers have a strong interest in e-mobility, with over 60% stating that they want to buy an EV in the next 5 years. However, the survey also highlights a price-sensitive market.

Download some highlights  from the research.

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From strategy to execution

PwC's Community of Solvers provides unparalleled experience and expertise in the rapidly changing automotive industry. We help you navigate the challenges arising from electric driving, autonomy, connectivity and innovative mobility services. Our team works with you to assess market trends, uncover new business opportunities, and implement effective digital transformation. Together, we ensure that your business is ready for the future.

Smart Mobility

Stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of mobility with PwC's Smart Mobility Hub Our platform offers insights and solutions to today's most pressing mobility challenges. From urban infrastructure to automation and emerging regulations, our experts share the latest developments and best practices for shaping the future of mobility. Join us as we look ahead and drive innovation in this exciting field.


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Contact us

Stan Berings

Stan Berings

Tax Partner, EMEA Connected Tax Compliance Lead, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 013 85 60

Bart van Osch

Bart van Osch

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 395 10 13

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