Real estate

Almost every organization has to deal with real estate - as a core business or simply as housing for your business.

More than advice only

Virtually all organisations are involved in property – as a core business or simply in the form of business premises. Due to the fact that real estate is a capital-intensive industry, the real estate market presents opportunities for pretty much every organisation. Making the most of these opportunities calls for up-to-date knowledge. After all, the real estate market is (to an increasing extent) in a state of continuous motion. Demographic and technological changes are the driving forces behind this dynamic. 

Because of this dynamic, besides myriad opportunities, the real estate market also presents a great many challenges. Unsurprisingly, then, as a real estate professional you will also find yourself faced with the most varied of issues. Aside from the real estate market itself, the world around us is also changing. Forcing you to make choices when it comes to such things as technological developments and the HR aspects of your organisation. And so setting the right course and making decisions calls for knowledge of a very wide array of subjects indeed. Rendering expert advice invaluable.

European Tax & Cash incentives for Sustainable Real Estate

Your overview of key cash grants & tax incentives across various European countries.

Download (PDF of 13.22mb)

Dutch Real Estate Market Update

End year report 2024

Download (PDF of 5.55mb)

Combined knowledge 

Through our real estate practice we will provide you with the full scope of this advice. An experienced team of specialists enable us to assist you with the most diverse matters you encounter in your day-to-day practice. In this regard, we will look beyond your questions, staying alert to opportunities for you and your organisation.

In order to be able to assist you with the most diverse array of real estate-related issues, we have subsumed a variety of disciplines under our real estate practice. The fundamental principle underlying our service provision is simple: our real estate specialists collaborate on solving your local and international real estate problems. Thus enabling you to do what you are good at.

REvaluate: digital overview of your real estate portfolio

Our REvaluate digital platform offers you an up-to-date overview of your real estate position and the status of the consultancy services we are carrying out for you. In addition to the relevant characteristics of your real estate, REvaluate offers an almost automatic valuation, for today and for any time in the past. The valuations generated by REvaluate for tax-related purposes form the basis for your tax returns and provide a springboard for optimising your real estate portfolio. Read more about REvaluate.

PropTech Map: The top 100 startups in Europe’s real estate world

Digitalization in the real estate industry has already gained momentum. However, the question arises in which areas of the real estate life cycle PropTech is well positioned. The PropTech Map serves as a guideline for structuring the extensive PropTech market in Europe. It should help to promote the networking of established real estate asset managers and innovative PropTech companies. The detailed knowledge of the market helps us to actively shape the ongoing change process. It stands for the cooperation that is necessary in times of open innovation.

View the PropTech Map

Our customers

Whether you are dealing with international real estate transactions on a daily basis, or just have a single query pertaining to the purchase of a new property, you can come to us. For instance, we regularly work for organisations and individuals in the following sectors:

Investment Management

The real estate market is in full swing. This entails both opportunities and challenges for investment managers. Partly on account of the increasing interest from abroad in Dutch real estate, we are assisting a growing number of investment managers. Precisely because investment managers are faced with the most varied of real estate issues, our total service is of considerable value to this group of customers. 

Investors and real estate funds (listed on the stock exchange or otherwise)

Legislation and regulations are constantly changing. Changed insights among investors make it necessary for you to adjust course frequently. Our real estate experts will guide you with bespoke propositions. We will advise when it comes to buying or selling real estate and design the optimum structure, taking into consideration fiscal aspects, accounting and governance.

Housing associations

The new reality for housing associations consists of major legislative changes in an age of economic fluctuations and megatrends such as the energy transition and demographic changes. These developments are exerting a direct influence on the associations and their tenants. Changed legislation and regulations are requiring housing associations to overhaul their core tasks in the social field, whilst earning potential is under pressure. As a critical discussion partner, we will join forces with you to build a housing association ready for the future. 

Corporate Real Estate

Real estate is a crucial asset. After staff, real estate is usually the second most significant debit entry. Furthermore, decisions pertaining to real estate often have consequences for a longer period of time. We will be happy to help you formulate a solid business accommodation strategy. Moreover, we will analyse your situation and advise on any organisational, financial, fiscal and operational adjustments.

Construction and project development

The issues facing us today are making project development more complex than ever. We will advise on risk allocation, financing, valuation of land positions invested and fiscal-legal structuring.


PwC has combined all available knowledge and experience on hospitality within the hospitality group. Our real estate specialists offer hotel operators, owners and real estate investors a range of services to maximize the value of investments and activities. 

Public sector

Real estate plays an important role in the public (or semi-public) sector. Hospitals, educational institutions and state-owned enterprises, for example, often require large premises in order to be able to carry out their public tasks. Particularly since the introduction of the tax liability for state-owned enterprises from 1 January 2016, many of these parties have required sound advice. Hence we are encountering a large number of these parties in our day-to-day practice.
Developments in healthcare are seeing to it that healthcare institutions’ real estate is a risk factor. These risks pertain to such factors as rental income, fluctuations in value and maintenance costs. Furthermore, one question that can arise is whether or not it would be cheaper for healthcare institutions to outsource their real estate issue. Due to the fact that our advisors have integrated healthcare and real estate knowledge, we are in a position to provide support on this issue with all our expertise.

Financial services

Real estate is a capital-intensive industry. Consequently, financing is a fundamental part of each and every business model in the real estate market. Lenders comprise a sizeable proportion of our customer portfolio. With the total package of services our Real Estate Team has in-house, we are capable of assisting real estate financiers with all aspects of their core business. 

"Because real estate is a capital-intensive branch of sport, the real estate market offers opportunities for almost every organization. "

Serge de Lange, Industry Leader Real Estate


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Contact us

Jeroen Elink Schuurman

Jeroen Elink Schuurman

Global Real Estate Tax Leader, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 398 48 10

Koniwin Domen

Koniwin Domen

Partner Real Estate Advisory & Valuations, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 183 49 81

Brian Adams

Brian Adams

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 328 91 18

Richard van der Linden

Richard van der Linden

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 782 58 07

Matthijs Vogel

Matthijs Vogel

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 351 50 55

Serge de Lange

Serge de Lange

Industry Leader Real Estate and Tax Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 368 66 60
