Webcast series ‘State of Tax, Legal & People’

Discover the latest on tax, legal and people developments and regulations in our new 'State of Tax, Legal & People' webcast series. Take a look at our new program and sign up for the webcasts that are relevant to you. 

The program runs from January to July 2024 and covers various current topics. Our specialists provide valuable insights from various perspectives. 

The 'State of Tax, Legal & People' webcasts are aimed at professionals working in the fields of tax, legal, and people; CFOs, Tax, Legal, and HR directors and managers. Our specialists provide valuable insights from various perspectives. For each live webcast attended, you will receive one NOB PE point. 


Use the button below to register for one or more webcasts of your choice. You will receive the access link one week prior to the event.

Webcast series ‘State of Tax, Legal & People’





Thursday 11 January

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Digital Data (reporting) strategy (Dutch) During this session, we will focus on the intersections of digital transformation and data challenges. We will share the lessons learned from the use of digital technology and AI to create a future-proof legal department. We will provide insights into the most recent digital laws and regulations from the EU Fit for a Digital Age, DSA, AI Act, and VIDA. What steps should your legal department take to implement this in the organization together with various stakeholders? We will consider the different perspectives from a tax and legal standpoint.

Tuesday 30 January
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How to deal with indirect tax aspects of transfer pricing  In an ever-changing tax landscape with OECD measures such as Amount B coming at businesses, it's challenging to stay on top of developments. In particular in cross-over areas such as indirect taxes and transfer pricing. During this webcast we will explain the relevant VAT and customs aspects of TP corrections and a brief look at future changes having an impact on both areas.

Tuesday 27 February
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Fair reward: attention and transparency (Dutch) During this webcast, we will discuss not only the current and future laws and regulations but also the obligations that arise from them. We will discuss the path to a fair compensation policy and how to deal with pressure from stakeholders. We will also focus on two relevant elements: equal pay and living wage. We will discuss their meaning and impact. Additionally, we will zoom in on the associated analyses, data, policies, KPIs, and targets.  

Tuesday 19 March
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Pillar 2 - Practical guidelines (Dutch) In this practical session, we will discuss the implications of Pillar 2 and explore best practices, tools, and key considerations from various perspectives. We will also examine the approach to Pillar 2 through the lens of practical experience.

Tuesday 2 April
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CSRD & Tax: touchpoints and relevance (Dutch) The CSRD is primarily a reporting obligation. However, the end goal is to help companies in their sustainability transformation. As such, it will affect almost all departments within an organisation. Scoping and corporate governance questions, when is tax material, the link with other reporting and compliance matters such as carbon taxes, plastic taxes and deforestation rules and what data should (and are you allowed to) you publish on your own workforce? Not only will Legal, Tax and HR need to understand their role in this domain, also the Finance and Sustainability teams need to understand this and they will need to work together. In this webcast we will discuss the touchpoints, as well as the relevance to your function.

Tuesday 21 May
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How to shape your tax function today The world of taxes is changing rapidly. How do you make your tax function agile and valuable for your organisation? In this webcast, we will discuss how regulatory changes such as Pillar 2, CESOP, and sustainability can contribute to a broader conversation within your organization. We will also demonstrate how you can leverage technology (such as Generative AI, for example) to emphasize the strategic value of your tax function.

Thursday 6 June
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The Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR): first year of application The Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) is now a reality in Europe. Leveraging mechanisms from State aid and public procurement rules, the FSR empowers the Commission to address distortive effects of financial contributions by non-EU countries benefiting EU-active undertakings. Explore its impact on your organization in our webcast.
Date to be scheduled Coalition agreement: the wider (economic) consequences of the tax measures (Dutch) The coalition agreement will contain various tax measures. These are important for businesses and individuals, but these measures also have specific goals in mind regarding our climate. The diverse economic consequences are very relevant as well. PwC will explain the connections.

Continuing education (PE)

The sessions qualify for one NOB PE point.

The webcasts are eligible for NOB PE registration (one NOB PE point). You must have attended at least 85% of the webcast. Your attendance is automatically monitored. In order to register the PE points, you will receive an e-mail in the week after the webcast with the link to the presentation and recording. You can use this e-mail and all correspondence relating to this event as proof of participation in your personal PE portfolio of the NOB.


Did you miss a webcast of one of the previous series? No problem, you can watch it back here and download the presentation.


Do you have any questions about our State of Tax, Legal & People webcast series, or suggestions for us, please let us know!

Contact us

Franny van der Klooster

Associate, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 358 69 12

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