Tech transformation

IT executives within financial Institutions are facing a significant challenge of transforming their IT into a truly customer-centric, agile and scalable cloud-based platform to ensure short time-to-market and global uniformity of services.

However, it is their often heavily intertwined (legacy) IT landscape that proves to be a bottleneck in this journey. Research shows that these same legacy issues are the cause of IT executives’ headaches in terms of costs and risk, as knowledge is fading away, or gone already, and maintainability decreases.

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Legacy modernization

For the technology function to act as a true driver for digital transformation it needs to transform on the angles of people, process and technology. 

We offer our clients support in this transformation from strategy to execution. This starts with formulating a strategic framework that helps us identify the right measures for your specific situation to assist you in finding the right path towards Tech transformation.

To be successful in this transformation journey often means striking a delicate balance between: modernizing legacy systems, moving to the cloud and IT agility. We drive technology transformations for our clients on all these dimensions. For this, we have several digital assets in place. 

Together, this constitutes a coherent strategic playbook for enterprise-wide technology transformations to solve our client’s main problems: reducing risk, reducing costs and reducing time-to-market.

Legacy transformation

Mainframe modernization is more than a technology challenge. It means a business transformation that impacts the entire organization. That’s why PwC, in partnership with Asysco and Microsoft, has developed a true end-to-end approach for transforming mainframe to cloud that accommodates people, processes and technology, ensuring adequate adoption across the organization.

Legacy transformation

Modernizing legacy systems

Our Legacy Modernization approach helps you to unravel complexity, simplify and modernize your IT landscape while managing the impact of these (internal and external) changes. We do so by applying solution patterns aligned with the drivers for modernization and transformation to the new (cloud-based) platform.

Experience shows that the limited success of legacy transformation in large companies is mainly due to the following key factors:

  1. Organizational adaptability: A different mindset and skillset are required to develop and maintain modern IT capabilities compared to legacy.

  2. Technical complexity: Legacy systems are built over decades and often consist of millions of lines of code. Knowledge is scarce.

  3. Management buy-in: Modernizing your IT requires long-term commitment from senior management, as it affects the business from front to end.

Find out more about our 5-step approach on how to revitalize your legacy IT: download the whitepaper.

Moving to the cloud

Cloud accelerates your Tech transformation in a controlled way and helps you reduce risk, costs and time-to-market. Cloud provides you with the ability to provision and deprovision, often highly innovative, technology services with a speed that is essential to keep up with your customer’s requirements. And cloud often comes with increased security and compliance controls.

However, the changes necessary to keep up are often hampered by an inflexible and complex IT landscape, from a rickety foundation consisting of multiple systems taped together over the years, to a lack of online access like VPN and online storage that chains your workforce to the office. 

Cloud is the fundamental catalyst platform which enables and expedites your next wave of innovation and future developments. We help you to reap the benefits of flexible, reliable and scalable IT services and stay in control of what services are used. 

We help you to explore, adopt and automate policies across the lifecycle and set up a state-of-the-art Policy as Code governance. Policies are centrally written ‘as code’, and distributed via repositories to decentral located policy engines, that automatically evaluate a user request for cloud services, block requests that are non-compliant and monitor usage.

IT agility

Fast innovation is key to get ahead of the competition: winners are those companies who are able to combine an innovative culture with a short development time. This requires high levels of agility within the IT function as well. IT agility consists of agile high-performing teams, designing highly automated processes to build a flexible architecture.

  • High-performing teams: Effective teams aimed at value delivery, agility and collaboration

  • Highly-automated processes: Automation of the software creation and improvement process to deliver quickly and reliably

  • Flexible architecture: Modular IT Architecture to respond fast to changing customer (and regulator) demands.

Whether you are considering adopting an agile way of working or are already in the middle of your journey, we have a wealth of experience that can help to avoid the mistakes that others have made. We do not follow a standard playbook but get to the heart of your challenge quickly and address it in a way that fits the scale, maturity and complexity of your organization. Our services range from helping you shape and accelerate a full-scale agile transformation, to intervening on headaches that were unintentionally introduced by a move towards an agile way of working.

Contact us

Bauke Sprenger

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 361 88 23

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