The Future of Pensions Act (Wtp) presents pension providers and administrators with a strategic choice: do we transform the organisation ‘only’ to comply with the requirements of the Wtp (‘comply only’) or do we also want to differentiate ourselves from others in the pension sector with a view to making the pension market more transparent and individual (‘comply and differentiate’)?
As a pension provider and pension administrator, you would do well to answer this strategic question at an early stage by providing a concrete elaboration of your future target group (‘who’), services (‘what’) and how you want to organise your services (‘how’) through processes, systems and your employees (Target Operating Model). By providing a (high-level) answer to these strategic questions:
The challenge in developing your strategic question is not to get ‘bogged down’ in the details right away, but to first provide a high-level interpretation on the following components:
Based on the high-level answers, the required future organisational transformation can be worked out in more detail in a Target Operating Model that describes the connection between organisational processes, systems and employee competences.
Based on our knowledge of the pensions market, the Future of Pensions Act and operating model expertise, PwC can efficiently support you in developing your strategic approach and into more detail in a Target Operating Model.We use specific PwC frameworks and methodologies in this process. Furthermore, we can facilitate the creation process in which we will challenge you - from various disciplines - on the choices you have to make.
If you would like a more detailed explanation of our support, we will be happy to discuss this with you.