Organisations in the public sector are facing a complex task after being asked to realise higher social return at a lower cost. Due to further decentralisation, this task has now become even more difficult for local governments, care institutions, learning institutions and housing corporations. How can you improve your work and output with a smaller budget? One option involves collaborating with the general public and other organisations.
Supply chain partnerships are one way for the government (local, regional and municipalities) to deal with increasing complexity. This involves focussing on the needs of society and finding appropriate solutions together with appropriate partners in the supply chain.
Economies of scale is another option for the government to jointly address related activities, e.g. in a shared services organisation (SSO). Housing corporations, care institutions and learning institutions can also improve their scale by merging or collaborating with other parties.
At the same time, ways can be found to use this larger scale to bring services closer to the public, which requires supply chain partnerships and network management. Which opportunities are available in your chain?
This involves the government establishing detailed partnership constructions with private organisations, e.g. for infrastructure projects. Both parties share the risk; development and operation will be left to a private company, while the government adopts a supervisory role.
PPPs are also being adopted by municipalities within smart urban regions, so they can effectively address urban challenges concerning infrastructure, energy and waste processing. In other areas, organisations like charities are implementing social enterprises to realise their roles in society. How can private parties help you to realise your public objectives?
By implementing a clear business case and a streamlined transformation, partnerships can help to create more efficient organisations and better services for the public. Our extensive knowledge can help you on this front, in both the public and private sector.
We bring partners together, perform comparative studies and feasibility studies, and provide an insight into potential social benefits. We are able to design innovative contracts, make financial calculations, construct new organisational structures and supervise all phases of the transformation process. What are the institutions you can jointly create value with?