A strategy is used to transform your market vision into concrete objectives. In addition, clear choices are extremely important. Will you go for offices or stores, in high streets or in outlying areas, in the Randstad area of the Netherlands or international? Will you purchase your user real estate or instead opt for sale and leaseback? And where can a balance be struck between investing your own capital and presenting a well-considered story to the bank? Investors are critical, but they do still always invest in appealing, transparent propositions. Is your ‘product’ sufficiently distinctive?
A sound real estate strategy is essential to enable you to distinguish yourself from the competition. In order to come up with a good strategy, countless factors need to be factored in. Our specialists keep a close eye on these. We will be happy to help you work out the optimum real estate strategy.
"Real estate strategy is essential to distinguish you from the competition."
Global Real Estate Tax Leader, PwC Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)65 398 48 10
Partner Real Estate Advisory & Valuations, PwC Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)65 183 49 81
Industry Leader Real Estate and Tax Partner, PwC Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)65 368 66 60