Women in Retail & Consumer network

The Women in Retail & Consumer network aims at connecting women in the Retail & Consumer industry through inspiring content driven events. We particularly aim to connect women at (senior) management positions and board level with a focus on (general) management, operations, IT, HR, finance, legal and tax roles within Retail & Consumer segment. The purpose of the network is to give the members the opportunity to expand their network and to inspire each other professionally.

Relevant topics which we will discuss are for example: retail design, attracting and retaining employees/staff in your organisation, digitalisation and sustainability.

The network organises multiple exclusive events. These are based on the following three pillars:

  • Interesting speaker on a relevant topic
  • Opportunity to network in a relevant community
  • Inspiring activity and/or unique location

Are you interested in the Women in Retail & Consumer network? Please fill in the contact form. We will contact you shortly.

Creating a knowledge sharing culture and meeting new people

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