Chinese version Doing Business in the Netherlands 2024

In this publication we give you an informative view of the key aspects of doing business and investing in the Netherlands. We answer many questions that foreign businesses and entrepreneurs have when making their first venture into the Dutch market, based on our experience with establishing businesses in the Netherlands.

The publication guides you to all the key aspects of doing business in the Netherlands: the economic climate, big industries and business segments, what it's like to live in the Netherlands and workforce aspects. It describes the most common legal forms of business and the key aspects of tax, human resources, employment law and audit and accountancy.

在荷兰经商 2024



Introduction PwC Netherlands China Business Group

Our China Business Group offers Chinese companies a comprehensive range of professional services from audit, business and financial advisory to global human resource solutions, management consulting, tax and legal services. Our experienced, Chinese, English and Dutch speaking professionals can help you to optimize your European investment by:

  • Identifying and assessing market opportunities and conducting feasibility studies for market entry strategies

  • Defining and setting up the most effective structure for your investment

  • Identifying and assessing local partners and alliances together with the NFIA

  • Identifying appropriate targets for acquisition, advising on deal structure, performing commercial, tax and financial due diligence, as well as providing post deal integration services.

  • Advising you on international mobility framework including expatriate tax, and other HR related issues



  • 鉴别及评估市场机遇,并提供市场进入策略的可行性研究报告

  • 制定及设立对您投资最有效的企业形式

  • 寻找及评估本地合作伙伴并联合荷兰外商投资局

  • 发现合适的收购目标,提供交易形式咨询,实行商业,税务和财务尽职调查,以及并购后整合服务

  • 提供国际派遣架构包括外派人员税务,及其他人力资源相关问题的咨询

Contact us

Maarten Arends

Maarten Arends

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 210 81 46

Maurits Vedder

Maurits Vedder

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 243 49 34

Follow us

Contact us

Knowledge Centre

Rotterdam, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 43 51

Jeroen H Peters

Jeroen H Peters

Tax Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 46 24

Mariska van der Maas

Mariska van der Maas

Director Knowledge Centre Tax, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 422 10 29
