Japanese version Doing Business in the Netherlands 2024

In this publication we give you an informative view of the key aspects of doing business and investing in the Netherlands. We answer many questions that foreign businesses and entrepreneurs have when making their first venture into the Dutch market, based on our experience with establishing businesses in the Netherlands.

The publication guides you to all the key aspects of doing business in the Netherlands: the economic climate, big industries and business segments, what it's like to live in the Netherlands and workforce aspects. It describes the most common legal forms of business and the key aspects of tax, human resources, employment law and audit and accountancy.

本書では、オランダで事業又はオランダに投資を行うにあたって参考となる重要な情報を紹介しています。 私たちは、オランダでの事業の立ち上げに関するこれまでの経験に基づいて、外国企業や起業家がオランダに進出する際に抱える多くの質問にお答えすることができます。


Introduction PwC Netherlands Japan Business Group

Our team comprises Japanese and Dutch professionals who are familiar with the culture and way of working of Japanese companies. Our multidisciplinary teams of professionals, working seamlessly together, are experts in a variety of areas such as Assurance, Tax, Legal, HRS and Advisory.

With our central role in the Global PwC Japan Business Network our teams in the Netherlands are well connected with our teams in Japan and in other regions where Japanese companies invest. This enables us to respond swiftly and to come out and meet you in person where necessary.

Through our experience and knowledge about Japanese business culture and our Dutch, English and Japanese language skills we are able to support you in the language you prefer and provide the quality of service you require.

This makes us unique and enables us to provide you with solutions and benefits that are tailored to Japanese companies.


また、PwCオランダのジャパン・デスクは、PwCのグローバルな日系企業支援ネットワーク(Japanese Business Network、”JBN”)の中核的存在として、日本および日本企業の投資先地域のPwCと緊密に連携しています。そのため、様々なご依頼に対して迅速な対応が可能であり、ご要望に応じて各国で直接ご相談を承ることも可能です。



Contact us

Albert Brouwer

Albert Brouwer

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 135 77 87

Follow us

Contact us

Knowledge Centre

Rotterdam, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 43 51

Jeroen Peters

Jeroen Peters

Tax Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 46 24

Mariska van der Maas

Mariska van der Maas

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 422 10 29
