Salary thresholds Highly Skilled Migrants 2021


In the Netherlands, salary thresholds apply for Highly Skilled Migrant and labour migrant work permit and residence permit applications. These thresholds are indexed on a yearly basis. The new thresholds that apply from 1 January 2021 have been announced.

New salary thresholds

From 1 January 2021 the gross monthly salary thresholds, excluding 8 percent holiday pay, will be as follows:

  • Highly Skilled Migrants of 30 years of age or older: 4.752 euro
  • Highly Skilled Migrants younger than 30 years of age: 3.484 euro
  • Recent graduates in the Netherlands: 2.497 euro

The above age-based salary thresholds will also be used as the benchmark for residence permit applications under the ICT Directive.

The gross monthly threshold excluding holiday pay for a European Blue Card will be 5.567 euro.

The Dutch labour authority (UWV Werkbedrijf) also applies salary thresholds. For work permits in the national Intra-Company Transfer category (outside the scope of the ICT Directive) the threshold for Highly Skilled Migrants of 30 years of age or older will apply for key personnel and the threshold for Highly Skilled Migrants younger than 30 years of age will apply for trainees.

What does this mean for you as an employer?

In case you would like to employ a Highly Skilled Migrant who is over 30 years old, you will need to take the new threshold of 4.752 euro into account from 1 January 2021. For the extension of a Highly Skilled Migrant residence permit from 1 January 2021, the newly indexed salary thresholds will also apply.

Method of payment

The fixed and guaranteed salary must be paid in monthly instalments by bank transfer directly into the employee’s personal bank account.

Contact us

Daniël Sternfeld

Daniël Sternfeld

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 089 28 89

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