PwC’s 27th CEO Survey

CEOs perceive urgent need for change

CEOs perceive urgent need for change
  • Report
  • January 15, 2024

A significant proportion of CEOs worldwide doubt whether their companies will be still economically viable in ten years’ time if they continue on their current path. This was one of the key findings of PwC's 27th CEO Survey, with respondents seeing an urgent need to continuously reinvent.

PwC’s 27th CEO Survey

The results of the annual survey among CEOs show that changes to a company are caused mainly by technological developments such as the advent of generative AI, changes in customer preferences and government regulations. CEOs in the Netherlands feel the pressure of regulations even more heavily than those in the rest of the world.

At the same time, CEOs worldwide also consider regulations to be the main obstacle to change. They also indicate that reinvention is competing with other priorities on their agendas.

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CEO survey 2024 Veronique

To what extent are the following factors inhibiting your company from changing the way it creates, delivers and captures value? (only to a large extent and to a very large extent) 

PwC's 27th CEO Survey

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Veronique Roos-Emonds

Veronique Roos-Emonds

Partner, Raad van Bestuur, PwC Netherlands

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