PwC’s 27th CEO Survey

CEOs see both major opportunities and risks in GenAI

CEOs see both major opportunities and risks in GenAI
  • Report
  • January 15, 2024

The results of PwC's 27th CEO Survey show that only a minority of CEOs have implemented generative AI (such as ChatGPT) within their companies over the past year. However, a large majority expect this form of artificial intelligence to have a significant impact on how their company operates and earns money. This anticipated impact of AI applies to both opportunities and risks.

PwC’s 27th CEO Survey

Globally, a large number of CEOs expect to benefit from GenAI advantages such as increased efficiency and profitability within a year. 

On the flip side, CEOs are concerned about the potential harm that GenAI can cause, especially in the field of cybersecurity. Globally, 67 percent of the CEO Survey respondents see the risks increasing, with the figure being as high as 86 percent in the Netherlands.

Notably, a high percentage of CEOs believe that the spread of misinformation will increase with the advent of GenAI. A third of CEOs expect GenAI to increase levels of bias against specific groups of employees or customers over the next twelve months. These findings underscore the need for a responsible implementation of GenAI use.

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CEO survey 2024 Mona

To what extent will generative AI increase the following in your company in the next twelve months?
To what extent will generative AI increase the following risks in your company in the next twelve months?

PwC's 27th CEO Survey

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Mona de Boer

Mona de Boer

Partner, Data & Artificial Intelligence, PwC Netherlands

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