Building an inclusive culture

A diverse organisation as the foundation for an inclusive culture

We strive to achieve an inclusive culture in which we embrace diversity. Inclusive means that everyone feels involved and valued – not in spite of but thanks to their differences.

It broadens our perspective and improves our ability to develop innovative solutions to solve important problems. Creating an inclusive culture that offers room for creativity and values and engages people is also critical for recruiting and retaining (technological) top talent.

This is supported by an extensive diversity programme, which includes the setting of targets, training and coaching trajectories. We also have various networks such as PwC Women NL, Connected Cultures, Shine (for LGBT+ colleagues) and (dis)Ability (for talent that faces physical disabilities).

Jaarbericht diversiteit

Measure and monitor to achieve diversity objectives

An important way to achieve our goals is to measure, monitor and adjust. We have set annual targets for the recruitment, promotion and turnover of women and colleagues with a non-western migration background. We monitor progress and if it lags behind, we take additional measures (depending on the causes). An example of this is that when appointing new partners and directors, women should make up at least 25 (partners) and 30 percent (directors) of those groups. This year, we again achieved this target. 

We realise that our transformation towards an inclusive culture is not moving nearly fast enough, making clear that we have to further work on diversity and inclusion. Our challenge lies in retaining and advancing diverse talent.  

Percentage of women in partner & director appointments

Functie legend

Gender diversity per job level

2018/2019 - 2019/2020

Cultural diversity per job level

2018/2019 - 2019/2020

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Jaarbericht disability

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Pride 2019 video

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Jaarbericht national coming out

Contact us

Thomas Galestien

Woordvoerder, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 242 51 45

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