Quality of service and transparency

Assurance builds a culture that supports quality

Improving quality is a continuous process. We continue to invest in the quality of our services in the field of accountancy and tax advice. Step-by-step we are seeing the effects of the measures we’ve taken. Both internal and external studies and reviews show this progress.

Furthermore, we want to be in touch with our clients, especially in these difficult times. To have an open dialogue and make a difference by bringing the human aspect into our services.

We further enhanced audit quality by the roll-out and use of our new Quality Management System and took extra quality measures in response to COVID-19.
Jaarbericht 2020

More detailed information about our quality policy and the progress we have made can be found in our transparancy report (Dutch only).

Our tax strategy

Quality consists more than complying with legal and regulatory requirements. Advisors also need to consider the societal context in which their service delivery takes place. For tax advisors this approach is laid out in the PwC Global Tax Code of Conduct and PwC NL’s Tax Strategy. In our view, being transparent about our approach to tax also includes being transparent about our own tax strategy. 

In 2019/2020 we reported on our tax strategy. In this document, we describe how we have put our tax strategy into practice between September 2019 and June 2020.

Contact us

Thomas Galestien

Woordvoerder, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 242 51 45

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