Combination of position at PwC with academic position

Various partners and employees of PwC combine their position at PwC with an academic position. This means that, in addition to their role at PwC, these employees also work at a university as (endowed) professors, lecturers or researchers, for example.

PwC encourages such a combination of roles, as it allows our partners and employees to contribute to society by sharing their practical experience, knowledge and skills, alongside their work for PwC. This is in line with our ambition of building trust and creating sustainable progress.

Where a PwC partner or employee also holds a position at a university, the capacity in which that partner or employee is acting must always be clear. Furthermore, for PwC partners and employees who are also employed at a university, it is essential that they can carry out their academic activities unhindered, in accordance with the principles of academic freedom, integrity and independence. University employees are required to adher to he Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

To ensure academic freedom, integrity and independence, PwC has drawn up guidelines which mention among other things, that PwC will not seek to interfere in any way in academic research, publications or statements by partners and employees who also work at a university. Should these partners and employees experience otherwise, they can contact an external confidential advisor. The guidelines furthermore mention that partners and employees who also work at a university should be transparent about the different positions they hold in their publications and appearances.

Guidelines for Academic Practice by Professionals

Overview of PwC partners and employees who are also (endowed) professors:

  • Ab Klink
    Strategic Advisor Strategy&
    Professor Healthcare, Labour and Political Guidance, Free University Amsterdam
  • Ad van Doesum
    Director Knowledge Center
    Professor Value Added Tax, Maastricht University
  • Allard Knook
    Partner Legal
    Endowed professor State Aid, Utrecht University
  • Arjan Brouwer
    Partner Audit National Office
    Professor External Reporting, Free University Amsterdam
  • Barbara Baarsma
    Chief Economist
    Professor Applied Economics, University of Amsterdam
  • Bastiaan Starink
    Partner Workforce
    Endowed professor Labor Market, Pensions and Taxation, Tilburg University
  • Gérard Kampschöer
    Director Tax & Legal
    Professor Tax Economics, University of Amsterdam
  • Gülbahar Tezel
    Partner Strategy&
    Professor of practice Applied Policy, Competition and Regulatory Economics, Tilburg University
  • Jacques de Swart
    Partner Consulting Data Analytics
    Professor Applied Mathematics, Nyenrode Business University
  • Maarten Floris de Wilde
    Director Tax & Legal
    Professor International and European Tax Law, Erasmus University
  • Ruud Wetzels
    Director Consulting Data Analytics
    Professor Data Science, Nyenrode Business University
  • Simon Cornielje
    Director Indirect Tax
    Endowed professor Indirect Tax Law, Free University Amsterdam

Contact us

Thomas Galestien

Woordvoerder, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)64 242 51 45

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