Stichting What Matters 2U

With What Matters 2U, PwC supports its colleagues in their social engagement. We are proud of all our colleagues who dedicate themselves to others. In 2012, PwC's partners set up the What Matters 2U foundation. Through WM2U, we give the social organisations/projects that our colleagues support a donation. The foundation exists the What Matters 2U Action Reward and the What Matters 2U Donation. The Action Reward is to support colleagues who are raising money for a charity, for example by running a marathon. The What Matters 2U Donation is awarded to PwC employees who make a more structural commitment to an organisation, for example as a regular volunteer.

Since 2013, more than 400 donations have been made by the What Matters 2U Foundation. This means that more than 200 civil society organisations have received a donation from the What Matters 2U foundation.

Social organisations that have received a What Matters 2U Donation

Stichting Buurtbuik

Stichting BuurtBuik saves food from being wasted by collecting leftovers from the restaurants and supermarkets. They then prepare meals with these leftovers for and together with local residents. Neighbours get together to eat dinner weekly, which creates a better atmosphere in the neighbourhood as.

Stichting Lakisama

Stichting Lakisama believes that education is the best way to reduce poverty. With their foundation they want to enable children and youth in lower and lower-middle income economies via paying their college fees and granting microfinance loans as well as offering local mentorship.

Young leaders community

Stichting Young Leaders Community (YLC)  is a movement of young ambitious leaders with a Moroccan-Dutch background, who use their talent and passion for a stronger and more beautiful Netherlands.

Stichting Usher Syndroom

Usher's syndrome is a disease that causes people to become deaf and blind. Stichting Usher Syndroom raises funds to enable treatment for the Usher syndrome. The foundation also supports initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for people with Usher.

The What Matters 2U Board:

Sheraiza Hasanradja - President

"I think it is important to be involved with society. In my younger years, I made an active contribution to society by volunteering. Now that I travel less for my job, I have time to contribute again. The WM2U Foundation appealed to me because of the target group. The foundation contributes to society in the broadest sense."

Sheraiza started at PwC in 2006 at the age of 18. In her ten years at PwC, she has learned a great deal and gained experience, particularly within Financial Audits and IT Audits. She has also been active in the works council and in promoting diversity within the business unit. Sheraiza was also involved in setting up the Inclusive Counsel, the predecessor of Connected Cultures.

Arco ten Klooster

‘’In 2005, I was asked to become the first CSR Officer at PwC. That is also where the origin of What Matters 2U lies. I have been away for quite a few years now, but it is great to still be involved as a board member of WM2U. I get a lot of satisfaction from being involved in things that make the world a little bit better. I think it is important to experience that we move forward together.’’

Arco has enjoyed working at PwC for some 15 years, always in the area of sustainability. Within Sustainability he has always been involved with sustainability information, both from an assurance perspective as well as advising on the design of non-financial KPIs.

Adri de Bruijn

"It's very good to see that people volunteer, alongside their busy jobs at PwC. The initiative of WM2U to support this is wonderful. Therefore I am happy to contribute to this by being in the WM2U board. After all, you are not here alone, so how can you, together with others, make the world (and that includes your family, your immediate surroundings) better and more cheerful?‘’

Adri was a partner at Assurance from 1998 and at advisory from 2005 to 2019. He focussed on the public sector and IT, first within Consulting and later at Cyber, Forensics & Privacy. He trained as an auditor and is a member of the CAD.

Marja Spaans

‘’It is very important to me to actively use the knowledge I gained in my years at PwC for organisations that matter.! I enjoy the challenge of helping organisations to move forward in the world in which they operate. I have learned that you can tell that the world has to change, but that the most important thing is that you change yourself in your own environment''.

Marja has been a partner at PwC from 1999, where she worked primarily in the public sector. Eventually this became mainly the healthcare sector. Marja believes it is important to help this sector develop further. As an accountant, Marja has held various positions within PwC (CAD, HR, Code of Conduct, LOB).

Jan Sebel

‘’Connections and friendships are formed because people are willing to do something for each other. That is what appeals to me in the concept behind WM2U. People making a contribution on a voluntary basis to make the world a little nicer. For a volunteer, the smile on the face of a participant in an activity is more than worth the effort''.

Jan has worked at PwC for 33 years, from 1998 as a partner. Many of his client contacts were in the world of charities and the cultural sector. Jan is still active as a supervisor at various charities and in the world of social enterprises.

Fiscal number and KVK number

Fiscal number: 851514297. KvK number: 54979226. Name of foundation: What Matters 2U Foundation.

Objectives according to ANBI regulations & Policy plan

PwC wants to increase its social relevance with its Corporate Sustainability strategy. Recognising the efforts of employees who support charitable and voluntary organisations is an important part of this.

PwC appreciates employees who devote their free time to volunteering. This is why PwC's partners set up the independent 'What Matters 2U' foundation. The foundation's objective is to support, financially, charities identified by the Board of Trustees as eligible for such support, without making profit. A charity qualifies if a PwC employee makes an effort outside of working hours and if the conditions in the Rules of Procedure and Conditions are met.

The foundation rewards civil society organisations for which PwC employees volunteer with two types of Rewards: What Matters 2U Action Reward and the What Matters 2U Donation.

What Matters 2U Action Reward (€250): awarded to employees who make a one-off contribution to a charity by participating in an organised event.

What Matters 2U Donation (€ >1000): awarded to employees who actively (at least 20 hours per year) devote themselves to a social organisation.

The amounts mentioned are donated to the social organisation for which the PwC employee does voluntary work.

A civil society organisation is an organisation that works for a specific social goal. This means that the organisations carry out activities that serve a social purpose and with which they specifically help needy target groups in society.

Following the establishment of What Matters 2U, funds were raised from PwC's partners in 2013. The funds raised consist of donations from the donating partner's private company or limited company. In addition, partners have the option of making a donation to WM2U when they retire. Furthermore, PwC has annually donated the remaining budget for end-of-year gifts to the foundation.

The money is managed by the Board. In addition, an employee of the financial department of PwC has been appointed by the board as financial administrator and controller. The majority of the funds are in current account or have been lent to PwC in connection with the achievement of a 6.25% return, which is an essential part of generating funds for the foundation. For donations to civil society organisations, the necessary funds are transferred to the foundation's account, from where payments are made. For a detailed overview, please refer to the financial statements, which can be found in the heading Annual accounts.

Remuneration Policy & Procedure

Remuneration policy

The directors do not receive any remuneration for their work.

The members of the board do not have the possibility to separately dispose of the assets of the institution, this is evidenced by the authority to act as laid down in the foundation's deed of incorporation. Among other things, it is laid down that no decisions are taken without an absolute majority of votes from the board in a meeting where at least half of the directors are present.


The Board has appointed PwC's Corporate Sustainability department to administer the submitted and approved applications and to handle communication with PwC employees and the organisations that receive funds from the foundation. The board has appointed an employee of the financial administration department of PwC to be the financial administrator and controller of the foundation, without any authority to make final bank transfers from the foundation's account.

Current report of activities carried out

The board meets once every quarter, and during this meeting the applications submitted are reviewed and granted if they meet the set conditions.

In 2017, the Foundation celebrated its fifth anniversary and in connection with this first lustrum, the Board decided to award a number of lustrum Awards during lustrum meetings in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Groningen and to generate additional publicity within PwC about the Foundation and its work around this. These meetings were successful. For the Awards granted in 2017, please refer to the statement of income and expenditure.

The Board urged the PwC Board to again call on PwC partners to make a one-off or periodic payment or provide a subordinated interest-free loan.

The board of What Matters 2U has decided to make a number of changes. Firstly, the name of the Action Award will be changed from Award to Reward. In addition, it was decided to merge the Excellence and Standard award into a new reward, the What Matters 2U Donation, whereby the WM2U board can determine the amount of the donation (> €1.000). Adjustments have also been made to the conditions of the foundation. The maximum amount that a civil society organisation can receive per year has been changed from €7,500 to €5,000. The following conditions have also been added: CSOs must be financially sound and donations will only be made if the applicant is still employed by PwC when the donation is made.

Contact us

Annerieke Nijenhuis

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 295 53 53

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