How inclusion and diversity have been organised

How inclusion and diversity have been organised

PwC collaborates with various international teams when implementing our inclusion and diversity policy.

  • Inclusion & Diversity team: we have an Inclusion & Diversity team for PwC Netherlands, which is responsible for developing and implementing our policy in this area. As an inclusive culture is a prerequisite for our transformation to a purpose-based and value-driven organisation, this has been a strategic objective for us since 2007. Our Inclusion & Diversity team is part of the Transformation team and reports to the board of management.
  • Inclusion & Diversity platform: we have set up an internal Inclusion & Diversity platform in order to improve the commitment of our senior leaders. This platform unites people who have a variety of perspectives (senior leaders, role models, networks) in order to serve as a sounding board for important themes at any moment in time. As a result, we can co-create and optimise our vision and initiatives in order to ensure an inclusive environment.

  • Global Inclusion & Diversity council: this council consists of inclusion and diversity experts, role models and chairs from our global PwC network. It facilitates worldwide dialogue about inclusion and diversity, shares internationally-available best practices on the topic and advises the worldwide leadership team about our ambitions.
  • Measurement and monitoring: we establish targets for the intake, promotion and outflow of female colleagues and colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds. Progress is monitored and additional measures taken if targets are not met.
  • Third party observer: we incorporate a colleague into annual appraisal processes in order to make them more objective. This person has been specifically trained to identify prejudices.
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