Coöperatie PricewaterhouseCoopers Nederland U.A. (the Coöperatie) is the sole shareholder of Holding PricewaterhouseCoopers Nederland B.V. (the Holding). As the Coöperatie is the group head of PwC NL, the Supervisory Board has been set up at the level of the Coöperatie. In accordance with the Wta the Supervisory Board also supervises PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V.
The private limited liability companies owned by the professional practitioners (‘Werk-BVs’) are members of the Coöperatie. The Coöperatie has concluded association agreements with each of the Werk-BVs. Under these agreements, the professional practitioners are made available by the Werk-BVs to practise one of the professions within the Lines of Service (Assurance, Tax & Legal and Advisory) in exchange for a management fee.
PwC is structured as a network of member firms, connected through membership in PwC International Limited.
PwC Nederland neemt deel aan het initiatief PwC Europe, waarin ook de member firms van Duitsland, Oostenrijk en België participeren.
PwC is the largest organisation in the world when it comes to business services. By using the knowledge and experience of over 223,000 people in 157 countries,...