Recruitment applicants


This section of our Privacy Statement describes why and how we collect and use personal data in connection with our recruitment activities.

If your application is successful, we carry out Pre-Employment screening checks (“PES”) as part of our onboarding process. Depending on the the role you have applied for, these checks may include a criminal records checks.

Collection of personal data

We will collect personal data in connection with our recruitment activities as described below. 

Most of the personal data we collect as part of our recruitment process is provided by you, such as:

  • Contact details (name, email, telephone number);
  • Areas of interest;
  • Username and password in order to get access to the recruitment application system;
  • CV, experience, education, academic and professional qualifications;
  • Information from interviews and assessments.
  • Details of direct or indirect financial interests and financial relationships from you or your partner and/or financially dependent children that must be disclosed to PwC to comply with applicable independence rules.

  • Details about performing ancillary activities, except for obviously private affairs, which must be reported to PwC NL for the purpose of complying with applicable independence rules.

* We do not want to receive BSN or social security numbers in the context of our recruitment activities

We process personal data in connection with our recruitment activities such as:

  • Interview and assessment results and feedback; and
  • Offer details.

We obtain personal data from third party sources such as:

  • References from your named referees;
  • Information from your referrer (where applicable);
  • Verification of information provided during the recruitment process by contacting relevant third parties (for example, previous employers, education and qualification providers) or using publicly available sources (for example, to verify your experience, education and qualifications); 
  • Pre-employment screening information if your application is successful; and
  • Information from social media sites that you are a member of about your engagement with our recruitment campaigns.

For details of the cookies we use on our websites, please click here.

Use​ ​of​ ​personal​ data

We process personal data for our legitimate interests to attract and secure the best talent to work with us as follows:

  • To attract talent and market opportunities at PwC NL trough arranging, hosting and participating in events, marketing and advertising opportunities and using recruiters to help find talent for us;
  • To identify and source talent including by searching our existing talent pool and publicly available sources (such as social media and job websites of which you are a member);
  • To process and manage applications for roles at PwC NL, evaluate you for open positions that match your interests and experience throughout the PwC network, manage your candidate profile, send you email notifications and other announcements, request additional information or otherwise contact you about your candidacy;
  • To screen and select talent by evaluating your suitability for employment with PwC NL, including through interviews and assessments and conducting background checks;
  • To hire and onboard talent by making an offer to successful applicants and carrying out PES- checks;
  • To conduct statistical analyses and create reports including for example regarding usage of our careers websites, demographic analysis of candidates, reports on PwC NL recruitment activities, and analysis of candidate sourcing channels;
  • To administer and manage our careers websites and communicate with you about careers at PwC NL; and
  • Any other purposes stated when you provide the information to PwC NL.

We carry out background checks records checks for the following purposes:

  • To comply with our legal obligation to ensure an individual is eligible to work in the NL.
  • For our legitimate interest or that of a third party to carry out PES - check including a full background and criminal records check, depending on the role: (i) to establish whether an applicant has committed an unlawful act or been involved in dishonesty, malpractice or other seriously improper conduct; or (ii) to comply with government and public sector clearance requirements.

When and how we share personal data and locations of processing

In addition to the general information about when and how we share personal data and locations of processing (provided here), personal data processed by us in connection with our recruitment activities may be transferred to:

  • Other PwC member firms

You personal data will be provided to the PwC member firm that has posted the position for which you are applying and other PwC member firm(s) where the role you are being considered for involves working with other PwC member firm(s) and to assist with their recruitment and employment activities (for example, if they are recruiting for a role that matches your interests and experience). For details of our member firm locations, please click here.

  • Third party organisations that provide applications/functionality, data processing or IT services to us

We use the products and services of third party organisations as part of the recruitment processes. The products and services we use differ depending on the role you apply for. Further details are provided via the following link.

  • Employment agencies or recruiters acting on behalf of a candidate
  • Government and regulatory agencies as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation.

We are required to keep records of our recruitment processes where we sponsor a worker from outside the EU. The Ministry of the Interior has authority to obtain disclosure of this personal data to check that we are complying with applicable law and regulation.  We will only fulfil requests for personal data where we are permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

Data retention

We retain personal data processed in connection with our recruitment activities as follows:

  • If your application is successful we will retain relevant personal data as part of your employee record and your talent pool account (if you choose to join our talent pool).
  • If your application is unsuccessful, we will retain and use the information you provided to PwC NL as part of your application for a reasonable period of time but a maximum of 4 weeks, to deal with any matter which may arise in connection with your application, for purposes of contacting you regarding other employment opportunities and for our legitimate business purposes (for example, to make sure we do not contact an individual about a role they have already applied for) and for as long as you are a member of our talent pool (if you choose to join our talent pool for a period of maximum 1 year).

Contact us

Data Protection Office

OGC, PwC Netherlands

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