Global Digital IQ Survey

Looking back to look forward

"Digital"was just another name for "IT". The CIO was not generally regarded as a strategic leader. And although huge shifts were occurring in the ways technology and information were used - think Web 2.0 and startups like YouTube and LinkedIn - this innovation had yet to find its way into the enterprise. There, putting technology to work to improve productivity was a relatively straightforward, and siloed, job. And the lack of IT and business alignment was a common refrain.

A decade later, the scope and scale of digital-driven change has grown immensely, and  organizations of all types have spent a lot of time and money to keep up. CEOs have embraced digital as part of their mandate. Enterprises have also closed the gap between the IT and business sides of the house. Today, you'd be hard-pressed to find a modern organization that doesn't see technology as integral to business strategy as well as operations. 

Global Digital IQ Survey

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Bas Weber

Bas Weber

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 037 60 45

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