(Live) online learning

Online learning requires a different approach than physical classroom learning. We therefore design from the principle 'Learner first, content second'.

  • Live online = learning and doing together. We transfer knowledge mainly offline.
  • Always interaction for involvement of participants.
  • Timing is adapted to the live online format (short and active).
  • Group size fits the purpose of the training.
  • As few different tools and platforms as possible for overview.
Onze virtuele classroom voor leertrajecten en trainingen

Our approach for (live) online learning programmes and training courses

Vijf Fasen academy
Fase 1
Fase 1: Analyse

Learning needs and objectives for the virtual training or learning path are established and starting points for the design phase are drawn up.

Fase 2
Fase 2: Design

The programme is outlined and the virtual training is approved and supported by the organisation.

Fase 3
Fase 3: Development

Learning interventions and materials are elaborated in order to come to a final programme. The programme is tested with content trainers and technical facilitators.

Fase 4
Fase 4: Implementation

Final programme of the virtual training or learning path is designed and implemented.

Fase 5
Fase 5: Evaluation

Evaluation of the training/learning programme, based on which recommendations and tips & tricks are given.

What can you expect from (live) online learning in your training or learning programme?

  1. Activities focused on collaboration and learning together
    • Virtual engagement and connection
    • Real time assignments
  2. Whiteboards and chats
    • Activities and exercises
    • Brainstormen
  3. Breakout room activities
    • Group assignments
    • Led by trainers
    • (Group) discussions
  4. Application and screen sharing
    • Remote sharing
    • Led by trainers or participants


"Our goal remains the development of knowledge and skills, which participants can apply in their work practice."

PwC's Academy

All our live online sessions are led by a technical host who welcomes all participants and helps them with any technical questions they may have prior to or during the session. This technical host also supports the trainers during the session. 

We work closely with you to design your live online training. Together with you, we look at the optimal duration of the live online learning session and the size of the target group. We provide sufficient interactivity and breaks in the programme.

"Breakout sessions were used to recreate the feeling of a physical training session."

Participant live online training 2020

There are many advantages to our live online learning classrooms, both for you as a participant and for your organisation.

Voordelen online leren

Converting classroom to virtual?

The transition from classroom training to virtual training may change the way the training is delivered, but it does not compromise the desired results. Our goal remains to teach participants knowledge and skills that they can apply in their work practice. The programme for a virtual session, just like classroom training, must be engaging and interactive.

"It was very pleasant working with PwC. In a short space of time, they were able to get to the bottom of our training and convert it effectively into a digital training course. Quite a challenge! Now that the training courses have started, we notice that new volunteers can also be well trained digitally in how to conduct a conversation at the Child Phone. Both the trainers and the volunteers are enthusiastic about the digital training."

The Child Phone, 2020

Converting classroom to virtual, how do we do that?

1. Reconsider, define and sharpen learning objectives

Together with you, we determine which learning objectives belong in the virtual session and which learning objectives can best be met in another way (e-learning, preparatory assignments, videos, etc.). This way, the time in the virtual session is used effectively. Together with you, we compose a virtual training, in the way that best suits the participants and the learning needs.

2. Selecting the appropriate online learning methods

After defining the learning goals for the virtual session, we start selecting appropriate online teaching methods. This is similar to choosing work formats for classroom training, but what is different are the tools that the chosen virtual platform offers. Think of the use of virtual break-out groups, polling, brainstorming, whiteboards etc. A discussion in a classroom training can be converted to a chat-working format and a brainstorming session can take place in break-out groups.

It is important that we work with you to choose the work format that suits the learning objective and is or will be made suitable for online use.

3. Involve participants

The biggest advantage of virtual training is that participants do not have to leave their workplace to attend a class. This is also the biggest challenge. There are many distractions and participants may be tempted to multitask. Session design is important in this respect, in order to improve the ability of participants to keep their attention on the learning process, which in turn leads to better learning results. We develop relevant and interactive sessions, from start to finish, with plenty of short breaks.

4. The implementation: tools, trainers and technical host

For a successful virtual session, it is important that participants quickly master the tool that is used. At the start or before the virtual session(s), we pay sufficient attention to this. For example, at the start of the session, during an interactive introduction, we let participants immediately practice with the functions offered by the online tool. In addition to the substantive facilitators, we also deploy a technical host. This technical host sets up the tool (e.g. break-outs), welcomes participants, helps them with all their technical questions and supports the trainers during the session(s).

Contact us

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 86 70

Anouk Bijleveld

Anouk Bijleveld

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 777 94 08

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