New world. New skills.

Develop your people for now and the future.

We are in a world full of opportunities and challenges for both companies and society. Rapid digitalisation, increasing and changing demand for services and disruption in the labour market are forcing organisations to review their staffing strategies. This is a challenge for all of us, not everyone has the skills that are needed, now and in the future. Every year in almost every organisation there will be 5-10% of roles that change radically and cause serious skills mismatches. Just recruiting new employees with the right skills is not enough: replacing employees will be difficult, time-consuming and increasingly expensive. Your current staff cannot be left behind; upskilling is necessary to be future-proof.

What do we mean by "upskilling"?

Upskilling is more than just training. It is about identifying the knowledge, skills and experience that will be most valuable in the future. This means understanding skill gaps & mismatches and creating attractive skill development programmes. Digital skills are vital; but they are only part of the story. Everyone needs digital understanding to understand the impact of technology on work. But employees also need role-specific, business and soft skills to work effectively.

41% said that their upskilling programme has been “very effective” in creating a stronger corporate culture and engaging employees

Talent Trends 2020

The challenge

One of the biggest challenges is identifying the right skills for now and the future. How do you increase the availability of these skills within your organisation? Is your current learning and growth strategy still relevant? Is it future-proof? How do you encourage people to learn and keep them motivated? And how do you build an inspiring learning pathway to use their full potential?

77% of the 22,000 people that we surveyed said they would be willing to upskill in order to become more employable.

Talent Trends 2020

With our five-step method, we will help you lay a solid foundation for effective learning programmes. By continuing to monitor, the learning programmes can be continuously adjusted to meet the needs of your organisation and target group. 

Contact us

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 86 70

Anouk Bijleveld

Anouk Bijleveld

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 777 94 08

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