CSRD Deepdives

There is a growing focus on sustainability and responsible business. European regulations, including the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), the EU Taxonomy, and the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), play an important role in this process. By integrating the regulations into your organisation, you can not only reduce risks but also seize new opportunities and create long-term value.

Our CSRD deepdives provide valuable insights, analysis, and practical tips to help you navigate the rapidly changing world of ESG regulations. Create your own learning program by choosing a mix of e-learnings and workshops from our deepdive offerings. Combine different deepdives, such as the SFDR, EU Taxonomy, and CSRD, to create a learning journey that perfectly aligns with your needs and goals.

Double materiality analysis Deepdive

E-learning: Begin with the double materiality micro-learning, which explains the concept of double materiality. Explore the role of stakeholders in the process and the relationship between materiality assessment, impact materiality, and financial materiality.

Workshop: You will dive deeper into impact- and financial materiality. You will learn the steps of a double materiality analysis, define IROs for sustainability issues, and understand the documentation requirements for the annual report.

ESRS Deepdive

E-learning: You will start with an ESRS e-learning, which covers the purpose, architecture, and structure of the ESRS. You will become familiar with the cross-cutting standards and their interaction with the topical standards.

Workshop: You will dive deeper into ESRS scoping, the required structure of ESRS 1 and 2, and the technical gap assessment. You will learn how to compare ESRS with your organisation's annual/sustainability report and identify and remediate gaps.

EU Taxonomy Deepdive

E-learning: You start with the e-learning EU Taxonomy, where you will learn to understand the background and structure of the EU Taxonomy. You will learn how to meet environmental objectives and will be guided through the high-level technical screening criteria and reporting requirements.

Workshop: In the workshop, you will translate the theory into the practice of your organisation. You will dive deeper into the background, regulations, and the 5-step approach of the EU Taxonomy.

SFDR Deepdive

E-learning: In the SFDR e-learning, you will familiarize yourself with the SFDR, the Regulatory Technical Standard (RTS), and how to determine sustainability disclosure obligations. You will learn about entity-level requirements and the three categories of disclosures for financial products.

Workshop: You will dive deeper into the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). You will gain practical knowledge and best practices to successfully implement SFDR in your organisation and promote sustainable investments.

A possible tailored learning journey

A possible tailored learning journey

About this course

For whom?

This learning program is suitable for professionals seeking for more knowledge about CSRD, double materiality analysis, ESRS, EU Taxonomy, SFDR, etc. This includes professionals in sustainability, finance, risk management, internal control, HR, communication, facility management, and employees in general.

The training is HBO level, but also available to anyone with affinity with the subject.

Note: These are our CSRD deep dives, in addition to which we also offer a CSRD basic training and a CSRD implementation training.


The inhouse training can be facilitated in Dutch and English.


The learning program is organized by our ESG team and PwC Academy. The sessions are facilitated by our ESG experts. They have extensive expertise in various areas related to ESG. The ESG experts provide daily hands-on support to internal audit, finance & control departments. They also support organisations in areas such as integrating ESG into their business model, implementing ESG regulations, and establishing or improving ESG reporting processes and practices in organisations.

Inhouse training

Heeft u interesse in dit onderwerp en wilt u deze training voor uw organisatie op maat laten maken? Wij bespreken graag met u uw leerdoelen, de casuïstiek en de gewenste leerresultaten. Ook de duur, datum en locatie van de training stellen wij in overleg met u vast. Op basis van een voorgesprek maken wij een trainingsvoorstel voor u op maat. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.

Permanente educatie

PE-Portfolio accountants (AA en RA)

Deze training kunt u opnemen als leeractiviteit in uw PE-portfolio. Na afloop van de training ontvangt u van ons een deelnamebewijs met het aantal gevolgde lesuren van de training.

PE-punten registercontrollers (RC)

Na afloop van de training ontvangt u van ons een deelnamebewijs met het aantal gevolgde lesuren van de training. U kunt dit zelf registreren op de website van de VRC.

Contact us

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Magda Chrysoulis-Stegeman

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 86 70

Laura Koning

Learning Consultant, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 63 977 34 63

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