Sustainability is a recurring theme in the boardroom and among supervisory directors. European legislation obliges companies to work with sustainability and the new Corporate Governance Code mentions long-term value creation as the most important addition. In your administrative role, you should not only be aware of what is coming your way. Your vision on the long-term sustainable strategy is indispensable for the survival of the organisation. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) should be reflected in the entire organisation these days, from strategy formation to reviewing the annual accounts, from the culture and mindset of the organisation to risk management and risk analyses. That requires something from you.
To support you, we offer a training program for you and your team. The program contributes to being compliant with new legislation such as CSRD and the new administrative requirements of the Corporate Governance Code. It helps you in your managerial role from strategy to compliance. During the program we make the individual translation to your organisation and situation.
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We start with a session about the various ESG developments so that you are aware of the playing field. With this session, together with the e-learnings to be completed, you have a solid basic knowledge of ESG. We elaborate on this in two 'deep dive' sessions on ESG strategy and ESG transformation.
You will receive access to our learning platform. You will follow a number of e-learnings in your own time:
In the strategy session, we zoom in on the impact of regulations on strategy, business operations and reporting. Regulation such as NFRD/CSRD, the renewed Corporate Governance Code, EU Taxonomy and SFRD. Together we explore how this is converted into an ESG strategy with concrete goals and actions for your organisation.
In the deep dive about ESG transformation, we get started with the step from strategy ambition / strategy intention to reporting reality. This gives you an idea of where your organisation stands and what is needed for the transformation from the strategy wish to reporting reality.
The program has different elements: short sessions (choice of live or online) and self-study through e-learnings. We would be happy to discuss with you whether this program meets your needs or whether you wish to add topics to the programme.
The training is offered in both Dutch and English, the materials are in English.
With this program you meet the mandatory NBA ESG topic for 2023 and 2024.
This program can also be customized for organisations in the form of classroom and virtual sessions. The programs feature the latest learning technologies and methods and appropriate interventions to achieve the desired outcome.
This program is open to directors, policymakers and supervisors.
The learning program is organized and facilitated by our ESG experts. The trainers have extensive experience in applying this subject in the role of director or supervisor. The experts support organisation on a daily basis in, among other things, the integration of ESG into their strategy and business model, the implementation of ESG regulatory processes and procedures in organisations and the establishment and improvement of ESG reporting to stakeholders.
You can include this training as a learning activity in your PE portfolio. At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of participation from us with the number of hours of training followed.
At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of participation from us with the number of hours of training followed. You can register this on the website of the VRC.