Digital transformation

Digital transformation in the case of deals, change or stress

Digital strategy, business technology, reporting & analytics on track

Digital technology is the foundation for your finance, accounting and reporting functions. Changes in your organisation or in the rules you have to comply with require adjustments: to your digital systems and processes, your controls, reporting and analytics. We will be pleased to help you with digital transformation in the case of deals (such as a merger or acquisition), change (such as of accounting standards), and stress in your organisation (due to compliance issues, for instance).

Digital strategy, business technology, reporting & analytics on track


A merger, acquisition, carve-out or IPO requires a lot from your processes and systems. Transactions require adjustments to your IT and finance departments, both before the deal and after the deal closes. Our experts help you with the digital transformation of systems, processes, control measures and reporting, so that your organisation is fully capable of working towards its business goals. To this end, we work closely with our colleagues at Deals. We can help you, for instance, with:

  • Rapid professionalisation of the finance function under the time pressure associated with deals.
  • KPIs for the shift in value of the new business.
  • Availability of high-quality financial and non-financial data.
  • Integration of the ERP system landscape, before or after the deal.
  • Implementation of new systems for finance, reporting and analytics.


New accounting standards and legislative amendments lead to change in your organisation. Do you have a timely grasp of the impact of change? How do you ensure that your financial and non-financial reporting remains compliant, that you have the right data available in your systems and that your controls and work processes are up to date? We will support you with the implementation demanded by external change, based on experience of similar transformations in the market. Examples include:

  • Pillar 2 tax rules.
  • ESG reporting according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
  • New accounting and reporting standards.


Economic changes and legislative amendments can lead to compliance problems. Using impact analytics and stress testing, we can anticipate such issues. But even when acute compliance issues cause organisational stress, our specialists help with diagnosis and an efficient solution. We subsequently implement changes to your systems, processes, reporting, controls & security to prevent the problem from recurring. This is how you get and keep your affairs on track. Our technology support is relevant to issues including:

  • Liquidity problems and bankruptcy.
  • Error correction of financial statements.
  • Control deficiencies and material weaknesses in IT General Controls (ITGC).

Here's how PwC can support you

We support you with digital transformation in specific steps. We identify risks, ensure fallback plans and work towards a defined goal. To help you in a sustainable manner, we bring in a team of experts with in-depth knowledge of digital transformation, as well as accounting, reporting, processes and controls. Whether your organisation is dealing with deals, change or stress, we are happy to support you based on three competences:

  • Digital strategy
    Adapting your systems, processes, controls or reporting benefits from a strategic vision, a baseline measurement and a roadmap. We develop strategies for cloud, data and digital in relation to finance, accounting and reporting.
  • Business applications and technology
    Implementing your digital strategy requires the best technology solutions. We help you develop a company-specific technology solution, select the best systems in the market and implement them for your finance, accounting and reporting professionals. Examples include ERP systems for finance and reporting, disclosure management systems and analytical tools. We work closely with a number of technology suppliers and for key digital solutions, we have in-house expertise. These include Workiva, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and Workday.
  • Reporting & analytics
    For compliance, insight into the current situation and future scenarios, you need reporting & analytics tailored to your organisation. We design and configure customised reports and analytics, with the right controls and compliance to support your business.
Here's how PwC can support you

'What data do we need after the carve-out? How will our ERP system support ESG policies? What is needed to address an acute compliance issue? We help clients struggling with such issues. For this purpose, we combine our expertise in finance, accounting and reporting with that of digital strategy and business technology.'

Ron MartinekDigital Transformation Leader
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Miguel Brahim

Miguel Brahim

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 005 12 68

Tom Hagenaars

Tom Hagenaars

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 20 32

Mark Brouwer

Mark Brouwer

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 088 53 22
