Trusted Data & Intelligent Automation

Using trusted data

The growing level of digitisation in society means that we generate more and more data all the time. Almost all organisations consequently work with data in one way or another. Data offers them tremendous opportunities: they can use it to automate processes, grow their understanding and better meet the needs of their customers.

Many organisations have not yet discovered the full potential of data, however. Finance and Risk & Control have a particularly broad array of options, for example automated invoice processing, analysis based on a dashboard rather than static reports, using artificial intelligence for certain repetitive entries, automation of audit activities and data quality testing. 

 Read more or contact Mark Brouwer

The right balance between opportunities and risks

Data offers enormous advantages, but it also carries risks. Stakeholders are on the alert in this respect. They wonder what organisations do with data, what they use it for, how they protect it and whether they comply with all the relevant privacy legislation. Many organisations are struggling with the question of how to make optimal use of their data in a way that adds value but is also prudent, responsible and transparent. Data involves risks, but the opposite also applies: if you can demonstrate that your technology works and that the outcomes are reliable, data will deliver value for your customers, staff and other stakeholders.

We can help by providing data-driven solutions you can trust

You cannot continue to digitise your organisation without data analysis. We help CFOs, Chief Data Officers, Chief Information Officers, controllers and others design, build, and test data-driven solutions that they can trust and that will build trust among their stakeholders.

We combine our knowledge of specific issues (e.g. governance, risk & control), domains (e.g. finance, internal audit, risk management) and sectors with technological and data analysis expertise. We give you the confidence to implement your strategy with modern technology.

How can we help you?

Adding trust to information is our core business, along with improving processes and setting up controls. That was true in the past and it is true in today’s technological age.

We help our clients build and test technological solutions, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics and robotics, with our focus being on the reliability of the systems and the data they generate.

Artificial Intelligence

To discover what artificial intelligence can do for your business case, our specialists analyse the processes and information that help your organisation take decisions. We then examine which of these steps can be assigned to artificial intelligence and how much added value this would provide.

Data Analytics

We focus on making data-driven decisions possible. We work on the automated retrieval and analysis of (unstructured) data and how it is presented (visualisation, dashboarding).  

We cooperate with our clients on:

  • analysing the problem  
  • introducing and demonstrating technological options
  • retrieving the data 
  • developing algorithms for data analysis 
  • preparing a design and building a technical solution, for example an app, a dashboard or other software.


Our specialists have a long track record in identifying opportunities to use robotics (RPA) based on data analysis. We build the robot and test the quality and reliability of your RPA solution.

Contact us

Mark Brouwer

Mark Brouwer

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 088 53 22

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