What does the certification process look like?

Broadly, the certification process consists of six phases:

The certification process consists of six phases

Test audit (optional)

During the test audit, an initial assessment is done based on interviews and a documentation review. This way, your organization will immediately get an idea of the feasibility of pursuing the certification.

Initial Audit Stage 1

In this phase, the documentation of the management system will be assessed. Furthermore, it will also be examined whether the management system is operational, to be able to continue with Stage 2 of the initial audit. Any deviations are reported to you, so that you can fix them before starting Stage 2 of the initial audit.

Initial Audit Stage 2

In this phase, we determine whether there is sufficient confidence that your organization meets the requirements. An important element of this phase is whether the organization works in accordance with the documentation on the ISMS.

Certification decision

If the findings that emerged from the audit have been resolved, the certificate will be granted to the organization.

Surveillance audit

The certificate is valid for three years. During this period, two surveillance audits are performed. We investigate whether the management system is consistently adhered to and whether any points for improvement are adequately managed.


If you would like to renew the certificate, the certification process must be restarted. Depending on the findings in previous years and the extent of the changes in the management system, we can start with a Stage 1 or Stage 2 audit.

What does the certification process look like?

Does it matter by who you are certified?

Certification shows that your management system is based upon internationally accepted best practices. If this certificate has been issued by an internationally acclaimed party such as PwC, you can be confident that you will actually distinguish yourself with it. PwC is one of the few organizations capable of carrying out worldwide certifications for ISO27001, ISO9001 and ISO20000.

More information or a proposal?

If you would like to receive more information about our certification of your management system, or if you want to request a proposal, please contact Mirjam Pauw (+31 (0)88 792 52 03). You can also send an information request by e-mail to PwC Certification Services. For the status of certificates issued by us, we refer you to the Search certificates page.

Contact us

Mirjam Pauw

Mirjam Pauw

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 154 75 39

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