IAF Evaluator

Evaluating the Internal Audit Function

The IAF Evaluator is a performance evaluation tool developed by PwC with which you can analyse eight core competencies of your Internal Audit Function (IAF). It clarifies how your IAF operates in relation to leading practices and provides pointers for possible improvements.

Core competencies

The focus of the evaluation is not primarily on compliance with IIA standards. The scope or size of the department is irrelevant. The core competencies evaluated are:

Core competencies
  • coordination with the organisation;
  • focus on risk;
  • maintaining contacts with stakeholders;
  • cost-effectiveness;
  • talent model;
  • customer-oriented culture;
  • quality and innovation;
  • technology.
IAF Evaluator

How can we help you?

The results of the evaluation clarify:

  • the performance of your IAF in relation to leading practices for each core competency;
  • an improvement plan with specific action to be taken, among other things by reflecting the relative performance of the various core competencies;
  • necessary ingredients for the IAF strategy through a targeted and integrated analysis of your IAF’s performance across the eight core competencies.

Contact us

Jan Driessen

Jan Driessen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 129 15 30

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