Improving internal control

Internal control frameworks in line with your organisation’s strategy

From protecting the value organisation to creating value – how can we help you?

An effective management control framework integrates all governance, risk, and control (GRC) measures that you use to manage and control the organisation. With a control framework, the relationship between strategy and day-to-day operations is safeguarded; the framework supports you in making decisions and in responding to risky developments.

How we can help you

  • Risk and Control frameworks: We assess, optimise, and implement management control frameworks.
  • Control portfolio review: We clarify the costs of the risks in relation to the cost of taking measures and give you concrete advice with which to minimise the costs.
  • In-control statements: We support you in assessing the risks and measures (self-assessments) which form the basis for your assessment of the quality of the control framework.
  • Strategic alignment: All measures taken must be targeted at achieving the organisation’s objectives. We support you in expressing your strategy in the risk and control frameworks.

Contact us

Jan Driessen

Jan Driessen

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 129 15 30

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