Trust & Transparency

Demonstrably in control of the services provided

As a service provider, can you ensure the confidence that your customers need?

More and more organisations are outsourcing critical business functions to specialists. Examples include managing the IT environment, hosting or managing financial and non-financial information and asset management. As a service provider or supplier of these services, you need to be sure that your customers trust you to perform these functions effectively, to have your processes in order, and to be in control of the risks. The more dependency on third parties increases, the more those customers need to be confident that everything will run smoothly.

Being demonstrably in control is a competitive advantage and a requirement

When you outsource complex matters, your customers gain access to the knowledge and expertise of your specialists. But those customers – the user organisations – also want to be sure that their operational, financial, and compliance risks are in good hands. Their employees, regulators, shareholders, and other stakeholders expect the same. For service providers, therefore, having things demonstrably ‘in order’ is not only a major competitive advantage but often also a requirement.

We reinforce the transparency of your services and confidence in them

With an independent assurance report, we provide assurance regarding all the relevant processes and control measures that your customers, their external auditor, and other stakeholders need. We can also advise on how to improve your internal control measures with a focus on cost control, risk reduction, and strengthening trust and transparency. Where possible, we utilise data analysis, process automation, and monitoring tools to increase our understanding – and thus yours too.

An important motive for our work is the aim of strengthening trust in organisations, also taking account of the perspective of your customers and their stakeholders. We value strong and robust relationships with our clients and are both independent and critical.

We can help you:

  • by issuing Service Organisations Control Reports (SOCR), in accordance with Standard 3402, Standard (comparable with SOC1) and standard 3000A (thereby applying various frameworks, such as SOC2, privacy frameworks or sector-specific frameworks). A SOCR is an independent assurance statement that you, as a service provider, can present to your customers and their external auditors. The report sets out how you control and manage the processes that affect the organisation within which you provide your services, such as security, privacy, confidentiality, and data processing integrity;
  • by providing independent and objective reports on your control environment and internal controls that your customers and their auditors can rely on;
  • by meeting the needs of users who require information and assurance about the internal control measures in place that affect the security, privacy, confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data processing of your systems;
  • by identifying risks and weaknesses in your internal control, and advising on improvements and how to implement them;
  • by guiding the development of your processes, from ‘controlled’ (standardised and focused on the past) to ‘monitored’ (predictable and future-oriented).

Contact us

Stefan Verweij

Stefan Verweij

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 511 23 23

Mirjam Pauw

Mirjam Pauw

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 154 75 39

Merle Zöllner-Krumme

Merle Zöllner-Krumme

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 038 06 31

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