Download Round Table Insights: Cyber threats and the impact on society

On 14 March 2024 PwC, HCSS and the CyberPeace Institute hosted a unique round table event for government bodies as well as for a variety of private organisations themed: ‘Global cyber threats and the impact this has on our society’. The aim of the event was to discuss the nature of cyber attacks, the financial and human impact, and how we can collaborate in a public - private partnership to keep all people and organisations in our society safe. This summary gives the round table insights and takeaways.

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Gerald Horst

Gerald Horst

Digital Identity partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 517 51 51

Ivo van Bennekom

Ivo van Bennekom

Digital Identity partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 911 54 02

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