The Supply Chain Experience

A rapidly changing world emphasises the importance of continuous improvement

In recent years, many companies have emphasized strategies such as just-in-time, lean manufacturing and off-shoring. However, the significant economic changes of the last years have put many companies in peril; the recent Covid-19 crisis has most likely affected your company’s supply chain and shone a spotlight on its resilience to disruption. As recent events have shown, it is not

easy to manage complexity in a rapidly changing environment and continue to be lean and agile. How are you dealing with growing uncertainty in a time of unprecedented global integration? In such extraordinary circumstances, it is vital to critically examine your supply chain, its processes and its resilience.

Supply Chain Experience

The Supply Chain Experience inspires reflection on the state of your supply chain

The Supply Chain Experience is an extended enterprise game for brain training and team building using both proven supply chain management best practices as well as the latest thinking in supply chain management. By optimizing a miniature supply chain, common mistakes and pitfalls are revealed and participants are encouraged to challenge concepts at the heart of the supply chain. 

Streamlining a process is one thing, making a process resilient is another. This hands-on game is all about doing the right things and doing things right; thereby continuously adapting to a fast-changing and tough scenario.

The game distinguishes itself from other supply chain and management games by simulating a physical pocket size supply chain with innovative and relevant global supply chain management concepts. In play, the game reveals communication styles between players, increases cooperation and playfully teaches the power of Lean and Agile concepts. It will enable you to project these learning directly on to your own supply chain.

How can this help you?

By playing the game and investing some quality time we can give you insight into how your supply chain is organized and in how your team operates towards one shared goal. We can also support you in transforming your supply chain in a rapidly changing marketplace. Our skills, expertise and service offerings cover the full range of supply chain topics from supply chain strategy through supply chain process excellence.

What does this look like in practice?

The game represents a full supply chain from supplier to customer and is physically recreated. It can be hosted in any big space, on site, an external location or at our PwC offices.

6 – 24 players per session

Optional: run two games simultaneously to foster competition (max. 12 per game)

  • 0,5 – 1 day
  • Industry & expertise neutral; anyone can play
  • Multiple rounds to improve team performance
  • Company specific challenges can be included in the game rounds 

Contact us

Rolf Bos

Rolf Bos

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 149 54 19

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