Navigating M&A Remedies in Integration

In today's M&A landscape, heightened regulatory scrutiny poses significant challenges for dealmakers, often requiring substantial business adjustments. In large-scale mergers, anti-trust authorities frequently mandate the divestment of specific assets to ensure fair competition. 

Between 2020 and 2024, approximately 17% of the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) decisions required remedies such as divestments or actions as a condition precedent. Two recent notable examples in the Dutch market are the Bunge-Viterra and Roompot-Landal mergers. In 2023, the ACM approved Roompot’s acquisition of Landal GreenParks on the condition that some holiday parks be sold to a third party to maintain market competition; while in 2024, the European Commission and the Competition and Markets Authority (EC) approved Bunge’s acquisition of Viterra, contingent upon the divestment of Viterra’s oilseed business in Hungary and Poland to address competition concerns in central Europe.

These divestment remedies demand a delicate balance of maintaining operational continuity, preserving value, and exercising strategic foresight. Integration challenges are heightened when businesses must integrate retained operations while simultaneously carving out specific assets, as these two complex processes are often deeply intertwined. To successfully navigate this daunting process, companies must invest significant resources and perform detailed planning to juggle conflicting priorities, align stakeholders, uphold regulatory requirements, and secure the value of both the divested and retained assets.

Curious to learn more about regulatory divestments and other related topics?

Sign up for the Transact to Transform: 2025 Deals Outlook and Trends in the M&A Ecosystem round table event (April 15th)

Balancing Integration and Divestitures - PwC PoV

Companies navigating divestment remedies in M&A integrations need to balance the integration and divestment processes, while keeping long-term value front of mind. In our experience, key success factors include: 

1. Synchronized Technology Programs

Managing the separation of IT systems while simultaneously planning for their integration is a crucial aspect of the process. This involves coordinating scenarios such as the seller providing a Transition Services Agreement (TSA) to the buyer for IT services linked to the carve-out, even as the acquired business is still integrating into the buyer’s IT landscape.

2. Define the Target Operating Model  

Establishing (joint) target operating model early in the process is crucial for creating a clear framework for future operations. Communicating this model throughout the organization brings clarity to the teams involved, ensuring everyone understands the vision, aligns their efforts effectively, and minimizes ambiguity.

3. Duplicated and Aligned Governance Structure

Establishing a highly aligned governance structure is essential in these settings. There is a unique requirement for double governance, meaning companies need to establish Project Management Offices (PMOs) to oversee both the integration and divestment processes while ensuring alignment with the overall deal objectives. Additionally, once signing takes place, the buyer of the divestment assets becomes an additional party that should be taken into consideration.

4. Monitoring Trustee Collaboration

When dealing with anti-trust authorities and merger clearance processes, it's essential to maintain a strong, informed relationship with the Monitoring Trustee (MT), who serves as an independent party tasked with ensuring compliance with the conditions of the merger clearance. Regular compliance reports are crucial and should be managed by a dedicated individual experienced in handling MT. This approach will leverage the MT’s knowledge and skills to enhance the compliance process.

5. Plan the journey

Once the deal is announced and the integration planning starts, it is important to plan and anticipate all scenarios. We often see that these processes can take longer than expected, especially when divestment is required. Key aspects for planning include:  

i) Resource allocation – carefully map resources to avoid strain and prioritize critical areas such as IT, supply chain, and workforce transitions. While antitrust schedules cannot be expedited, a forward-looking plan that identifies integration and changeover interdependencies can help reduce unnecessary costs;

ii) Data boundaries – define clear separation of data and processes to ensure business continuity and compliance; and 

iii) Stay focused – prioritize the completion of the divestment to minimize disruption and keep integration on track. 

Divestment remedies are transformative events that redefine a company’s strategy and operations. With our Transact to Transform framework, PwC helps clients navigate these complexities by combining extensive divestments and integration expertise, industry-specific insights, and advanced tools. We have supported some of the largest and most complex regulatory-driven transactions, always focusing on ensuring compliance, mitigating risks, and creating sustainable, long-term value. 


In recent years, 20% of ACM rulings have resulted in conditional clearance, while 22% of cases reviewed by both the EC have led to different conditions being imposed or conclusions being reached.

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Wolter Meindertsma

Wolter Meindertsma

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)68 354 11 28

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