M&A Integration

Realise value from your acquisition

You have just merged with another company or made an acquisition (M&A). Now it is time to reap the benefits. And that requires just as much attention as the preceding decision making process did.

Although the concept of value realisation is not new, it continues to be a challenge. Especially in a dynamic environment like M&A. Our extensive experience in transactions of all shapes and sizes has taught us that thorough preparation and rapid execution are critical elements for a successful transaction. Having a well considered integration plan in advance, followed by a fast and focused implementation with an eye for detail and focus on people, often makes a difference and ensures you are able to realise the value of your merger or acquisition.

Speed, focus and dedication

After the transaction, as a buyer you want to convert your insights on value drivers and opportunities of the combined organisations into results. Quite a challenge for management and the organisation, because often large changes have to be implemented, causing potential unrest amongst employees, suppliers and customers. We will help you achieve results quickly and effectively, keeping the people element in mind.

Invest in integration

Post-deal integration can be an intensive and demanding process. But, investing in this process pays off: research shows that 93% of organisations that have realised significant value, invested at least 6% of the total transaction price into the integration.

However, that investment must be made in the right way ánd at the right time. A common misconception is that integration only becomes an agenda item after the purchase agreement has been signed. The aforementioned study indicates that nearly 80% of buyers whose transaction destroyed value, did not have an integration plan ready at the moment of signing.

Proper preparation, speedy execution, a focus on synergies, dedicated leadership, attention to people and effective and focused communication are critical elements for a successful integration.

Our approach

Each organisation is unique and every transaction has different goals and targets. Together, we will create a clear view on your objectives and roadmap on how to achieve them. We can help you with:

Integration planning and strategy

Proper preparation is one of the key elements for a successful integration and should therefore already start during the due diligence phase, before you have put your signature on the purchase agreement. The knowledge that you gain during due diligence about the target’s operation can be used to already put your first thoughts on the integration strategy on paper: what is the vision for the combined organisation, the desired level of integration, what is the best approach and who within the combined organisation are the right people to make the integration a success?

Initial answers to these questions help in making a realistic planning and mitigating any risks, allowing the integration process to run like a well-oiled machine. The integration plan reflects on what can already be prepared and/or put into action before the transaction is completed, what activities need to be done in order to be able to continue the operation immediately after Closing, and what the main points of attention within the first 100 days after the Closing are.

Our approach

We help you to smoothen and accelerate the transition in order to create value, allowing you to go back to business as usual as soon as possible.

  • Together with you we create the ‘Integration Fundamentals’; a blueprint of the integration containing key elements such as the objectives and strategic rationale of the transaction, level of integration, key stakeholders, project governance and way-of-working, potential risks, etc.
  • We support in creating a realistic integration planning, broken down into different phases, including key actions, milestones and decision moments. 

Synergy planning

An acquisition is only successful when the expected synergies are realised. Are you able to benefit from each other's customers? Can you leverage your increased purchasing power and achieve economies of scale? What successful integrations often have in common is that they have been able to identify, prioritise, execute and track the value drivers of the transaction.

Together with you we look at the feasibility of synergies already during the due diligence phase. For example, are there any unexpected costs arising from combining the activities? Such insights help you in bringing the organisation along in your plans based on substantiated arguments. After that it becomes a matter of executing. It doesn’t just stop at identification and planning. Well-structure execution ultimately determines the success.

Our approach

We support you in realising maximum value from the integration.

  • During the due diligence phase you will gain clear insights in the synergy potential with our synergy review.
  • Together with you we will make a clear and pragmatic plan to realise these synergies.
  • We support with clear synergy tracking and reporting. 

M&A Integration (M&AI) and 100-day plan

A merger or acquisition is always intended to achieve more: access to new markets and talent, growth in market share, economies of scale. But you are not there yet with just signing the purchase agreement. Within the first 100 days after Closing, new structures must be set-up and urgent matters must be arranged in order to realise the value potential of the transaction. How to do that, without interrupting business continuity?

Our strength is to roll up our sleeves together with you and make sure it gets done - we are a community of solvers. From implementing a new organisational structure, ensuring consolidated financial reporting to providing internet access and new business cards. And because such a period often brings uncertainty for employees and other stakeholders, we will involve and inform them throughout the process.

Our approach

We deploy our experienced project managers, subject matter experts and change managers so that you can capitalise on the potential of your transaction. We do this by:

  • Managing the integration process from the so-called Integration Management Office (IMO). Converting the integration strategy into a detailed action plan with an accompanying governance structure, while ensuring both customers and employees remain satisfied.
  • Helping you designing the new organisational structure, the Target Operating Model (TOM). Finance, IT, HR, Supply Chain – we can support you with all the right expertise.
  • Focusing on people. We will develop an integration plan that pays attention to culture, motivates people and focuses on supporting employees in times of change by means of an effective Change & Communications plan.
  • Developing, together with you, a 100-day plan; an execution plan for the period directly after Closing that focuses on urgent actions and the realisation of synergies.
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Contact us

Annemieke Hoekstra

Annemieke Hoekstra

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)62 245 64 95

Wolter Meindertsma

Wolter Meindertsma

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)68 354 11 28
