Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Services

Intensifying your search for anti-money laundering and terrorist financing

Since the fight to deter money laundering and terrorist financing is a high priority by law enforcement agencies and financial regulators, it must be a top priority for your organisation too.

Huge fines and a painful loss of reputation awaits if evidence is found that your systems and networks are used to make criminal money appear to be legitimate or to channel funds to suspected terrorist groups. Whether intentionally or not, is irrelevant.

You must be able to anticipate to an AML- or ATF-related incident in your business and reduce the chance of customers and business partners being compromised in any way.

Our teams of specialists help you to design and sustain programs that suit your specific needs while meeting regulatory expectations. We can also proactively assess the effectiveness of your current AML- and ATF-programs and provide recommendations on areas that need enhancement.

We make your systems and networks AML & ATF-proof

Contact us

Michel Veldhuis

Michel Veldhuis

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 296 24 06

Sebastiaan van Zijl

Sebastiaan van Zijl

Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)68 292 40 99

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