
Reporting an abuse by one of your employees requires the necessary internal precautions, such as setting up a whistleblower reporting point ("whistleblower hotline"). An effective reporting system can help prevent reputation, financial and legal damage. PwC helps you with the design of such a hotline and drawing up a whistleblower policy, so that you can avoid unnecessary risks and guarantee your integrity.

Prevention and control

Internal suspicions of (serious) abuses must go through an internal or external whistleblower reporting point. Such a hotline offers your employees the option of confidential report misconduct (such as fraud, theft, bribery, etc.) and help you to be "in control".

5 key milestones in setting up an effective whistleblower system

  1. Gain top-level commitment;
  2. Develop company policy on whistleblower (protection) procedures and the reporting of suspected wrongdoing and non-observance of protocol;
  3. Develop whistleblower procedures and wrongdoing exposure mechanisms that rectify irregularities and violations of integrity;
  4. Develop and integrate a disclosure of wrongdoing and whistleblower protection management programme;
  5. Report, monitor and assess the effectiveness of management measures.

Contact us

Christine Manders

Christine Manders

Senior Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 792 67 69

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