Crisis Management

Making your organisation crisisproof

Today’s world demands crisis resilient organisations. Most are not.

The combination of economic and geopolitical megatrends, climate change, expanding jurisdictions, and a rapidly evolving technological environment, makes organisations extra vulnerable to a wide variety of crisis situations. And as risks grow, the price of incorrectly managing them increases too. To the extent that this can be more damaging to your organisation than the actual event.

Developing a comprehensive response strategy to crises, which goes beyond standardised technical processes, is therefore imperative.  

As PwC Forensic Services we help you prepare for, respond to, recover and learn from a crisis.

We do this by improving your risk monitoring and proactive crisis identification. We hand you the crisis response tools and strategies needed, and smooth possible inconsistencies and deficiencies in existing response plans and roles of responsibility.

We reduce damages by helping you to manage a crisis better

Crisis and Resilience Services

Crisis and Resilience Services

It’s never been more important for business leaders to prepare and respond effectively to a crisis. We can help you prepare, respond to immediate pressures and maintain sustainable long-term growth.

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Contact us

Michel Veldhuis

Michel Veldhuis

Senior Manager, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)61 296 24 06

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