Cyber incidents are one of the biggest threats to today’s business world. It’s no longer just an IT-challenge, no, it is a business imperative to maximise your cyber resilience. Because organisations thrive on the security of their data.
But to know whether your systems are compromised or not, is almost as hard as establishing the size and timing of a cyber incident and the impact it has. While if they are, your organisation faces significant financial losses, often irreparable damage to its reputation, and most likely prosecution.
PwC Cyber Incident Response conducts independent investigations of cyber incidents. We help you to respond quickly and adequately. To prevent them from happening again, we minimise future cyber security-risks by increasing your cyber incident response readiness and repairing the weak spots in your systems and protocols.
Our investigative teams consist of certified information system security professionals, forensic analysts, system auditors, fraud and anti-money laundering experts, incident handling specialists, and sometimes even ethical hackers.
We recognise malware and viruses as if we have written them
Tom Driehuys
Partner, Advisory Cyber Forensics & Privacy, PwC Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)61 383 29 69