Fraud Training

We offer training in the fight against fraud and in the field of fraud awareness.

Our trainers have extensive experience with fraud from theory and practice and are enthusiastic to share their knowledge. Because every company and institution is different, we adapt the content of the training to the specific target group. Our training courses are suitable for internal audit, compliance and corporate investigation units, for example. Our training courses are also very instructive for other professionals involved in the fight against fraud.

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Fraude simulation

We offer the following training courses:

Training in the fight against fraud

  • Interview training - During our interview training we focus on preparing, conducting and documenting interviews. For these trainings we use actors, with which realistic situations described by you are simulated. If desired, recording equipment can also be used. The content of the interview training is adjusted to the level of experience of the target group.
  • E-discovery & IT forensics - We organize customized training in the field of e-discovery, taking into account the level of experience of the participants. In addition to general e-discovery aspects, working with specific e-discovery tools can be discussed during the training.
  • Corporate intelligence - Given the increasing (international) laws and regulations and compliance requirements, gaining insight into the behavior of your (business) partners at many companies and institutions is an important theme. During their training, our corporate intelligence experts explain developments, research methods and various tools in the field of corporate intelligence.
  • Investigate! - How do you respond if a supervisor invades? Or if a serious whistleblower report arrives? The need to respond decisively when things go wrong can be vital to your organization. Investigate! is a simulation game where you experience in a realistic way how a research develops within an environment that is under pressure. Investigate! is offered in a workshop setting where teams of up to four people compete against each other to investigate a suspected fraud as well as possible. As part of the investigation, emails are searched, people interviewed, data analyzed, priorities set and suspects identified. For more information, please refer to the following website.
  • Fraudulator - The "Fraudulator" is a tool developed by PwC Forensic Services to raise fraud awareness in organizations. The tool consists of two elements. First, you can enter the characteristics of the organization for which you work. The "Fraudulator" then shows you how much your organization is at risk of fraud. These risks are based on the data from a survey that PwC carries out every two years on financial and economic crime (for more information, see the Economic Crimes Survey, 2017). Secondly, you can enter the preventive measures that you think are effective. The effectiveness of these preventive measures is estimated by our expert. The more your preventive measures reduce your risks, the higher your score.

Training in the field of fraud awareness

In addition to training in the field of fraud prevention, we offer the following training in the context of fraud awareness:

  • Workshop “Kattenkwaad”- If you want to raise the awareness of your employees in the area of ​​fraud, then the Workshop “Kattenkwaad” is a good tool. During this workshop, participants are immersed in the world of fraud (combating). Participants are challenged to brainstorm about how they themselves would commit fraud in their own work environment and how this can be prevented.

Contact us

Gerwin Naber

Gerwin Naber

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 150 75 75

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