
Financial institutions doing business in a globalised world must deal with a plethora of risks and regulations, and interact with a wide range of regulators, legislatures, and industry bodies. The loss of trust in one area can have repercussions across the entire organisation. Regulatory compliance is a core element of business competitiveness and this represents a challenge for many firms operating in the current system.

Anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) obligations are key topics of any financial intermediaries’ responsibility. Failure to comply with these obligations leads to regulatory scrutiny as well as financial and reputational damage. In order to mitigate risks and remain compliant, it’s not only important to understand and implement current and upcoming regulations, but also to use working methods, procedures and technologies to work effectively and efficiently.

How can we help you?

We support you in the areas of AML and KYC for traditional financial services as well as newer digital assets or crypto services. We accomplish this by joining forces with our (international) colleagues specialised in tax, advisory and assurance. With our worldwide network, we can offer our services at a local level. These include the following:

  • Draft policies concerning AML & KYC Topics.
  • KYC creation and review/remediation.
  • Legal opinions and advice concerning AML & KYC topics.
  • Support with regulatory implementation legal and compliance training.
  • Whistleblowing solutions.

By delivering our services we increase the effectiveness and accelerate your regulatory programs with our operational and technological expertise build up over years of experience in the field. We bring together our unique combination of capabilities and technologies to deliver sustained outcomes that make a difference.

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