Legal Department Consulting

Our Legal Department Consulting team combines PwC consulting methodologies, business analytics and in-depth knowledge of the delivery of legal services to provide you with a structured approach to identifying, quantifying and sequencing improvement opportunities in your function. Working side by side with you and drawing on our market insights, we provide objective, evidence-based analysis and solutions that work.

Legal Maturity Assessment

Work smarter, not harder. With the Legal Maturity Assessment (LMA), you get a quick scan of the current state of your legal department and how to get to the desired state (fit for future).

Our LMA approach is an easy to understand methodology that will be used to illustrate, and help your senior stakeholders define, the strategic direction of your legal function and communicate this to the relevant authorities and/or your other stakeholders. It will clearly highlight how to change or upgrade your legal function to minimise risk whilst maximising efficiency and opportunity. LMA will consider your organisation as a whole and not just the legal function or those with specific legal responsibility, in isolation.

How does it work?

We reference five maturity levels to show the extent to which an organisation exercises legal control and use this to illustrate what the “ambition level” of the organisation is (or should be). The gap between the current and ambition level gives a direct insight into the improvements required. The output is specifically designed to highlight strengths and weaknesses; to identify and support the requirement for change or improvements within the legal function; and minimise risk whilst maximising efficiency and opportunity.

Legal Function Optimisation

We are living in a highly volatile legal environment. Multinationals are under increased scrutiny, facing demands for transparency and manage risk and multiple stakeholders in a cost effective way. It is important that an organisation understands the effectiveness of its legal operating model and legal control framework. This will enable the organisation to develop a plan to ensure it can meet its strategic objectives and address the requirements of its stakeholders. Our approach enables us to work with you to assess the current state of your legal operating model and legal control framework and identify areas for improvement. Working side by side with you and drawing on our market insights, we provide objective, evidence-based analysis and solutions that work.

We understand that whilst having a framework is important, there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ and each client will have their unique dynamics. In some cases a wholesale review will be appropriate, whilst other circumstances may call for a much more targeted and specific analysis.

An overview of the projects we have delivered for clients:

  • Design of a Legal Target Operating Model
  • Team constitution and sourcing strategy
  • Demand and Stakeholder Management
  • LegalTech Strategy
  • Legal Operations strategy
  • Change management for the legal function

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