
Understanding and implementing the new pension legislation (Wet toekomst pensioenen)

All organisations will have to adapt their pension plan and its funding to the new legislation. As employers, you will face major challenges, where it is difficult to keep an overview. Our view is that you can best consider these challenges of new legislation in conjunction with your overall compensation strategy.

We see it as our responsibility to give people and organisations a foothold and help them prepare for the future. To this end, we offer a broad range of expertise and services, ranging from strategy to execution partner to consulting in specific areas of expertise.

How can we help you?

  • With our ‘Pensioen akkoord Quick scan’, we give you insights into your current pension situation and the necessary changes under the ‘Wet toekomst pensioenen’. These initial insights serve as input for a plan of action towards a pension solution. 
  • The change in the pension system offers a unique opportunity to reassess your employment benefits strategy, including the role of pension in your remuneration and HR strategy to create a modern employee value proposition.
  • Together with you, we draw up a detailed action plan outlining the steps you need to take with your stakeholders on the way to a new pension scheme. We give you insight into the costs of the various options.
  • Help you to draw up and implement the mandatory transition plan. This includes the choice of the new type of pension contract and the design of any compensation measures. With our digital solutions, we show you the impact of a new pension scheme on pension costs for the employer and on pension accrual for your employees.
  • Support you in the negotiations with your pension provider to get the new scheme implemented.
  • Offer legal and tax support and can help negotiate with employee representatives. In addition, we can help your employees understand the changes to their pension scheme and (possibly) other terms of employment.

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Bastiaan Starink

Bastiaan Starink

Partner, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 375 58 28
