Reframing tax

From Complexity to Strategic Value Creation

We work with you to combine strategic advice, technical expertise, and advanced technology to transform your tax function and achieve your business objectives.

The tax function is facing increasing challenges at an unprecedented pace. Digitalisation—both of your own business processes and those of tax authorities—the net zero transition, the global minimum tax and associated compliance issues, and digital reporting requirements. In practice, we also see a tension arising between national and international tax laws and regulations. This increasingly leads to questions from tax authorities to organisations about the use of, among other things, international opportunities for tax incentives, the calculation methods used for Transfer Pricing, and the (legal) structure of the group.

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Global Reframing Tax Survey 2025

Tax at the table: navigating complexity and delivering transformation


As a tax responsible, you must not only be able to anticipate these changes but also help your organisation make the right strategic choices. For this, you need an agile, efficient, and resilient tax function. This way, you can also demonstrate the added value of your tax function to other stakeholders in your organisation.

How PwC Can Help You

Our experts are ready to look at your current and future challenges with you, to make your tax function 'fit for future'. We not only look at your business processes but also at the (international) context in which you operate. Depending on the situation, we may, for example, develop a business case and a roadmap, in which we define the necessary (tax-related) knowledge, a best practice operating model, clear governance, and the required technology and data.

Role of Data

Due to the increasingly rapid digitalisation of tax authorities, the role of data is becoming more important. There is a demand for more transparency and digital reporting. This puts pressure on the tax function to process ever-growing amounts of data, as well as to monitor data quality. These developments also increase the total costs of remaining compliant, which strengthens the need for efficiency and (real-time) insight.


With the help of automation and AI, the tax function can manage all data streams and ensure quality control. It is important to involve, train, and redefine processes for employees. The right governance must also be implemented, along with attention to managing data quality. PwC is ready to equip your tax function with the right setup, skills, and governance to effectively respond to developments in the external environment. Want to know what we can do for you? Contact us.

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Hans van der Leeden

Hans van der Leeden

Partner Tax Transformation, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)65 391 41 77

Marvin de Ridder

Marvin de Ridder

Director, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)63 987 29 84
